Chapter 7

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After leaving the guys in the diner we drive pull into a tow company called Teller-Morrow. I lady walks up to us as we are looking around. "Can I help you?" We turn to face her. "Umm yeah we are looking for a guy name Clay he told us stop by today." "Clays my old man I'll take him to you, my names Gemma by the way." She starts to lead us to the clubhouse entrance. "Well it's nice to meet you Gemma I'm Kayla and this is my sister Tierra." "Well if things go good then I'll be seeing more of you." She says leaving the room and going into her office. We see Clay sitting at the clubs bar smoking a cigar. We walk up to him and take seats on either side of him. He looks up at us as he blows smoke out of his mouth. "I didn't think you girls were comin." "Yeahh well I thought it was some kind of trap while my sister thought it was a good idea to 'clear the air' so I had no choice but to come cuz I wasn't letting her go by herself." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well I can assure you this isn't some kind of trap and I really wanted to make sure you aren't here to cause any trouble. Juice gave us quite a lot of info on you two and we got some questions." Tierra and I look at each other. "What kind of questions?" "Juice tells me you two along with your friends were on the most wanted list and then some time later your all taken off why is that?" Tierra and I share a look again before I say "one of those guys that were on the list had  a girlfriend that he thought was dead but it turns out she was actually working for someone that FBI and other types of cops were looking to take down. Now this guy is basically head of our crew so a special agent tracks him down tells him the details. Dom calls the crew I.E us and we all meet up tells us what we gonna do at first we're like yeah we'll do it but then we find out that we'd have to work with this special agent then we're kinda hesitant. In the end we realize this could work out in our favor. Take down Shaw, Dom gets his girlfriend back, I get to kill a couple people, and we get our names taken of the list and we get to go back to doing whatever illegal things we want." Clay looks back at me after putting out his cigar. "You mean to tell me that you reluctantly worked with cops to get back someone you don't even know?" "Dom's like family to us so if he's willing to risk his life for her then so are we. It's kinda like you and these guys they need help your gonna help them." "That I agree with. Now the next question I know you girls are one of the biggest names in the gun running business so I gotta ask you're not here to run guns are you?" We chuckle and say no at the same time. "We don't run guns like that anymore and the business is still in France. We got people to do that now. But I will say street racing is more our speed now a days." "Well if you're not here to cause any trouble then I have to say welcome to charming and the Sons of anarchy you're free to come here anytime you want." "Thanks we appreciate that but I got a question of my own. First off is anybody workin on that charger by the entrance and if not can I work on it ?" He looks at it and smiles "I can see you lusting after her so you can come and work on it anytime you want." Me and Tierra do our signature handshake and I start to walk to the car. "Trust me when I say this you just won her over. You're letting her work on a car and you have alcohol." I hear Tierra tell Clay.

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