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Chapter 3



Thank goodness I had gotten away from him. I may have been forced to come to this ridiculous ball, but they couldn’t make me dance with him too.

I’d done my duty, I’d met him. Now, I would be able to forget about the prince and return to my normal life. Getting out of the city and away from all this glitz and glamor couldn’t happen quickly enough.

I headed toward the gates, having to hold my long dress up so it didn’t drag on the cobbled ground. It was borrowed from my aunt and I didn’t want to return it with any damage. If my aunt had just been that little bit shorter, it wouldn’t have been a problem.

The hotel room with its soft bed and warm furnishings were beckoning to me and I couldn’t wait to throw these ridiculous heels on the ground and relax. When I returned, I could take a hot shower and slip into my comfortable pajamas.

Then tomorrow I could go home.

As I approached the gates, I noticed a pair of uniformed men standing guard. The king and queen seriously had a warped view of what constituted voluntary. I guessed that to ensure all the ladies remained at the palace, the gates surrounding it were barred shut.

I shuffled over to them as quickly as I could. “I’d like to leave, please.”

The guard was dressed in a perfectly fitted red suit, complete with his blue dress helmet. “The gates will be opened at midnight. Until then, I suggest you enjoy the prince’s company.”

He smiled and I wanted to hit him.

You didn’t argue with a King’s Guard so there was nothing more for me to do except return to the ballroom. Although, sitting out in the courtyard in silent protest sure sounded good too.

Until the guard shooed me away.

I wished for better shoes as I trudged all the way back to where I had come from only minutes earlier. My brow was starting to sweat from the effort but I didn’t care if anyone else noticed.

Midnight seemed a hell of a long way away.

I didn’t even look for the prince when I entered the ballroom. All I wanted was a chair to sit on and count down the minutes until I could go.

Thankfully, a row of them were by the wall on one side. The decadent food was laid out on the opposite side. I went by that table first, grabbing a few bites to eat while I waited. If I had to be bored, at least being bored with food was slightly more bearable.

There were so many single women in the room and the desperation reeking from them was like an overbearing perfume.

Everybody wanted the prince to choose them. I mean, why not? A life of being adored by the public, unlimited cash, pushing out a royal heir, and the prince wasn’t bad looking.

Everybody back home said I was extremely lucky to be in the pool of possible princesses. I didn’t see it that way. When you receive a letter stating that you must interrupt your normal life to attend what was essentially a great big speed date for the prince, you tend to think it would be better not to be on that list.

I had a job, a life. I wasn’t planning on leaving all that to be a baby basket for the heir. I had better things to do with my life than be a showpiece.

Although, watching the prince as he danced with a brunette, I could see the attraction to him. Nick, the reluctant king-in-waiting, had charisma that oozed from his pores. When he smiled, you felt special, even if it was through a photographer’s lens and printed in a magazine.

And those eyes.

They could melt steel.

One glance into those piercing baby blues and you could get lost in them. As hard as it was to admit, he affected me in physical ways that made me at least a little curious what was under that nicely fit tux.

The smile he was giving the woman he was dancing with wasn’t all that convincing. He wasn’t doing a very good job of faking it this time. Perhaps he was tired, perhaps he was being honest when he said he didn’t want to be here.

But, come on. Hundreds of women, all ready to submit to him in an instant. How could he not be enjoying himself? He wouldn’t be a guy if he wasn’t.

I hoped he found his wife soon so we could all go home. Hopefully he wouldn’t play around for infinity while we were all stuck here as show ponies for him. Any longer here in the palace and I was going to go crazy.

“He’s so sexy,” the woman next to me growled. She had leaned closer to me, like this was a confidential conversation.

I shrugged. “He’s alright.”

“Alright? Do your eyes not work? Look at that ass. All I can think of is squeezing those cheeks. Doing that while underneath him would be even better.”

The girl from my other side leaned in too, joining the conversation. “I heard he’s a tiger in the sack. Like scream-your-heart-out tiger. Someone said he could do it all night, just keep going and going.”

That was more information than I needed to hear.

“I heard the family jewels are something he should be very proud of.”

“I bet they are.”

“I wouldn’t mind testing out that scepter.”

The women laughed and I just wanted to throw up. Seeing the prince’s family jewels or riding his scepter was of no interest to me. When so many others had been there already, why bother?

It did, however, pique my curiosity. The playboy prince had been in the tabloids more than any celebrity in the country. He was often photographed stumbling from a club at three a.m. with a woman on each arm.

Trying to imagine him with a cleaned up image and posing for wedding photos was laughable. I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to change his priorities so quickly?

It would have taken a miracle.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom, but it was really to get as far away from that horrendous conversation as possible. When I returned, I found a more secluded spot in
the corner and tried to look as unapproachable as possible.

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