Prejury and the Right to Remain silent- Part 1-Celesgiri

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Even though everyone had their own way of  expressing so, everyone was frightened. Ever since Mondo's execution, the uneasiness only dialed upward. The first case was out of fear. A basic "Killed-Or-Be-Killed" scenario. The way to avoid it should have been obvious- merely not to commit murder. However, the second case was heart-wrenching. The murder of an innocent young boy who looked up to someone, and did nothing more to seek advice as a way for them to escape their weakness. Wickedness was present far more then ever before. The strong were bound to devour the weak, and pushing this thought away felt naive.Now, the students were stricken with paranoia. They were frightened that one of them would die next- either becoming the victim or lose their grip on hope and give into despair's malice.

Ishimaru had especially been effected since. Haunted by the loss of his first friend, Mondo Oowada. Most people left Ishimaru to confide to himself, Asahina occasionally tagging along to help him overcome his grief.

 It was never enough. 

This left a huge scar on the Hall Monitor, constantly ripping open again to bleed. Bleed into complete and utter despair. Asahina who had worn her heart on her sleeve had talked to Sakura over and over about how she wasn't able to help her friend. She felt horrible and blamed herself.

None of it was her fault. The only person to blame was Oowada himself, no matter how morbid or cruel the truth seemed. Naegi continued to push everyone forward with empty motivation. They told themselves over and over that they were friends, and friends would never kill one another. After awhile, Makoto Naegi's words rang hollow,empty. No matter what he said, his words were meaningless and promised nothing. They had no power over the others, and the killings were bound to continue with Makoto face down, forever crying out that everything will be okay.

Despite lack of motivation from the others,(Especially Byakuya, who couldn't leave him alone insisting just that,) Makoto held his ground. He tried to help Kirigiri with her investigations, the ones nobody knew about.

That aside, Kyoko Kirigiri closed herself off, the aura of numbness corroding her own stability. She's been hurt before, and refuses to face such pain again. Especially in a place like this. She'd much rather be cold and hard to talk to,(impossible to understand,) than to open herself up to someone to come in and destroy. Though she'd never admit it, she cared. She's always silently cried over the losses- the precious lives lost to the bear and his evil tricks. She understood the weight of a single life, and the fact that Monokuma would take them left and right, infuriated her.
She silently swore that she'd find the truth, expose it, and get revenge once and for all.

One night, she left her room unable to sleep once again. Kirigiri didn't necessarily have insomnia, she normally slept like a baby. However, in the combination of unexplainable feeling and the current situation, she was unable to sleep. She gave up trying and gave in to her recklessness. She got out of bed and set off to grab a small cup of tea to sip. It usually helped loosen her stress. She glanced over at the table and saw someone sitting there. It was last midnight, and they too must have had trouble falling asleep. She looked around the place and listened for a second. From the information she gathered, Kirigiri concluded that she and that other person were the only two awake. The others were fast asleep in dorms. Curious,(and to make sure whoever the person was wasn't up to any suspicious activities,) Kirigiri checked to see who it could be.

None other than Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler. The self proclaimed, un-cowned queen built on  a palace of lies and risks. She was the girl Kyoko always wanted to know more about, yet, not in a way relevant to her investigation. She was more interested in the person,per say. Maybe. Just maybe Kyoko had repressed her feelings to the point where she didn't know how she felt about the Gambler.

"Why, Good evening, Kirigiri-san," The Gambler greeted, her accent defined as ever,(despite sounding a little sleepy.) She took a sip of her royal milk tea. Kirigiri raised an eyebrow. Did this mean Hifumi was awake too..? Hard to say.Perhaps Celeste knew more about making her own tea, but preferred Hifumi to prepare it. "What brings you here at such a late hour? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Trouble sleeping," Kyoko answered. She didn't see how revealing this could cause any issues.Celeste was likely in a similar situation, and if not... Then she'd officially be suspicious. "I decided to brew some tea to clear my head. You are here for the same reason I assume?"

Celeste's lower lip twisted into an upper grin, "Now if I told you, that wouldn't be any fun, would it? Considering how you spend your time,you probably wouldn't find that very enjoyable, no?" The ebony-Haired girl seemed pleased with the Detective's musing. "Good good! This will push up your rank in no time! See, you understand me." She took another sip of tea then reached into her pocket. She took out a deck of cards. "Would you care to play a game? She opened the deck and shuffled the cards with her nimble fingers. Kirigiri nodded. A game of poker wouldn't kill anyone. Besides, it would ease off her stress about being caught in Hope's Peak Academy. The game had begun and it had started off easy. Kirigiri knew no one. Not even her would surpass Celeste's gambling skills. After all, Celestia won the title of "Super High School Level Gambler" for a reason. The game progressed and time flew by. Kirigiri felt a little better once the game had ended.

"You win, Ludenberg," Kyoko declared as she started collecting all the cards, putting them in stacks to hand back to Celestia.

The Gambler giggled in reply. She put her own deck away, then took Kirigiri's deck and put it away as well. "It was a nice game, Kirigiri-san. To be honest, it's been quite awhile since I played with someone whom I have genuinely considered a worthy opponent." Kirigiri nodded in agreement. Despite knowing she was going to lose, she played like her life was on the line. Her determination didn't change the outcome, but it drew out the game making it more interesting.

Kirigiri narrowed her amethyst eyes in suspicion, "Now, you never told me why you are up at such an hour."

A sly giggle was heard from her pursed lips, "Ah, yes, you see I had trouble sleeping. Though, I don't blame you for being suspicious." She leaned in closer, "Perhaps you think I'm planning a murder?"

Her expression was unreadable, Damn, that poker face. She is enjoying this, I can see it. Kirigiri silently mused. Though, I'd be lying if I believed I was bored myself. Kirigiri quietly tapped her two gloved concealed fingers together.She allowed a small smile to creep onto her lips."Suspicion is common, especially during this time of night.Trust is neither poison nor medicine."

Celeste looked intrigued. She sat down her emptied tea cup. "Wise words, Kirigiri-san," her accent was mystical and and mysterious. Only amplifying the aesthetic.

"I take that as a compliment."

"Someone as observant of you will be impossible to bypass.You would crack the code no matter what, to crush and destroy any tricks thrown at you. No mercy or sympathy given." She stared a second at the detective longer then usual, "It scares me really, I honestly believe someone like you could truly figure me out if you tried."

"You...Think highly of me? I'm flattered." Kirigiri remarked, as her cheeks grew hot.

"I really do admire your determination. It's something I wish I had."

Kirigiri lightly scoffed. She placed her empty tea cup back on the table. She watched Celeste suspiciously as she got up from her seat, to stand behind her, hands on her shoulders. Celeste squeezed her hands, Soothing the stiff muscles of Kirigiri's shoulders. She relaxed in response.

"You know, Kirigiri-san, I really did hope that you would come tonight," Celeste whispered, continuing to massage Kyoko's shoulders.

"Oh? I wonder the importance of the subject for you to see me." Kirigiri replied, pleased and relaxed.

"I...I just want to have a conversation with you."

"Oh, about...?"

Celeste sighed, "Ah, I'm known as the Queen of Liars...But, what I'm about to tell you may be the only thing you can truly trust." Kirigiri nodded, curious in what the girl had to say. Celeste glanced at her surroundings, nobody was watching, nobody could see them. Her hands moved from her shoulders to her neck, lifting Kirigiri's head. "Is this okay?" She asked. Kirigiri nodded, welcoming the touch.Their eyes met and Celeste smiled, her face inches away from Kirigiri's. "This stays between you and I, you understand?" Kirigiri nodded. Celeste then cleared her throat, "It seems...I've fallen for you."

Kirigiri was speechless. An odd, alien sensation filled her chest,mind, and body. She stared at the Gambler unresponsive. She lost her emotional state. Kirigiri stared into the empty cup of tea. She wasn't able to process what just happened, she couldn't answer or think straight.

Celeste looked at her, and Kirigiri finally looked up as well. Fiery Crimson met icy purple as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Celeste's heels were heard signaling her exit. "It's quite late." She had answered, her tone quiet and blank."I will see you later, perhaps?"

"Good Night" was the last thing that had escaped Kirigiri's lips, robotic-like, click click click.

Author- Sodium Chloride


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