Prejury and the Right to Remain Silent- Part 2- Celesgiri

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She left the hall and laid back down in her bed. KirigirI was not able to identify how she was feeling, and why she felt this way. It wasn't happiness, and it wasn't despair. It felt like a longing. One that she didn't know how to satisfy. It floated their inside of her serving no purpose at all. For the rest of the night, Kirigiri stared at the dark depths of her room. Unable to comprehend and identify what this "longing" was and what had just happened with Celeste. 

She had dealt with infidelity cases, dealt with couples... But, it's been so long since Kyoko had been in love.Was that what this was? "love"? No, it couldn't be. If anything, the closed space and tension filled environment was getting to them- to everyone, and people were growing attached.Trauma bonding,as a professional would call it. Celeste wasn't weak like that though. If she felt something for Kirigiri, what? Why? Shouldn't a Gambler who wears a crown of secrets avoid Detectives instead of becoming attached? 

Though they were world's apart, even Kyoko had to admit they were similar.Neither one would ever dare to wear their heart on their sleeve. Kirigiri didn't want to be easy to read, because it would put her at a disadvantage. Celestia was also quite intelligent. Which was another thing Kyoko prided herself on.

Yet, Celestia was so much more different from her. She was wrapped in a thick web of lies, even Kyoko couldn't figure her out. She wanted to know what happened to Celestia, why she acts the way she is. She wanted to understand the odd little goth girl that smiled at you in a way that she was complimenting or mocking you. Why did she want this?

Who knows. Her primary focus should be leaving. She must not let anyone see shes being distracted, or they'll surely take advantage of it. If Kirirgiri snapped out of focus, everyone would be in danger. Byakuya was pretty smart, but he was no professional and hated to admit it he was wrong. Celestia was also smart, but she only participated when she felt like it, and that's not something predictable. Makoto had potential, but he didn't know what he was doing. Without Kyoko holding his hand, he'd be lost.

Due to these factors, Kyoko Kirigiri  mentally concluded that she just couldn't afford to get wrapped up in matters like trivial romance, certainly not now. There is no way it would end well, and Celeste would lose interest or turn on her anytime.Regardless, she would have wasted her time on Celestia.

"But when she kissed me...It felt like time stopped, it was captivating."

By the time the detective had given into the heavy pull of her eyelids and began falling asleep, it was only a few hours before the morning announcements were made.

The next day went well. Kirirgiri's heart skipped a beat when Celestia greeted her that morning, and her soul felt lifted from her troubles. She couldn't explain this sensation, but she could begin to feel the hard exterior on her heart peel away. Kirigiri could smile, now. It was alarming and she knew nothing good could come out of her laying back too far. She was imprisoned, surrounded by future murderers and victims. She was terrified of letting her friends become victims, she must unveil the truth.

Yet, despite this, Kyoko felt happier. Then, just like every time everyone was happier, Monokuma dropped a new motive, and the tension returned to the atmosphere. 10 billion yen for the murderer who could graduate and get away with it. This motive had been the pettiest by far- Kirigiri didn't want to believe someone would kill for money.. But, it was only a matter of time. Kirigiri retreated from common sight. She spent most of her time investigating alone, suppressing her feelings more then ever. Now wasn't the time for emotions, there were important matters to tend to. One day when she was investigating, Celeste ran into her. Kyoko continuously consisted that she left (If anyone was around Alter Ego too long, the mastermind was sure to find out.)

But, Celestia Ludenberg didn't want to leave yet, and before Kyoko knew what she was doing, their lips claimed each other's, refusing to let go. Kyoko felt the pent up emotions escaping all at once- too quickly. When they broke apart, the breathless gambler was shivering. She took Kyoko's hand, and just then she realized how much Celeste was trembling. Her piercing red eyes showed something that Kyoko couldn't read.

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