Chapter 1

192 7 1

Word count: 911

Warnings: none

Author's note: here is the first chapter of this series! I want to make a disclaimer that even though this is technically a trenchAU, I made it my own and added my own twists and turns! Anyways, I really hope you enjoy the creator!

You grabbed your tv remote and turned it on to the annual speech that the leader of Dema was giving. It was the 8th anniversary since Dema had shut its boundaries to neighboring countries, and also happened to be the anniversary of the ban.

"Ladies, Gentleman, and nonbinaries. It is the year 2050, which marks the anniversary of our country!!" This large burly man spoke on a pedestal. Around him were eight cloaked figures in red, they were called the Bishops. They each looked over one of the eight provinces and pretty much did any of the dirty work that Nico didn't want to do. Behind the cloaked figured were hundreds of guards, protected with plastic shields and carried knives on them. These were the Niners, the police force. You recognized one bishop, Keons, who was in charge of your province.

"8 years ago I put a ban on creating, and created the job assignments because without restriction on who can create our music, our art, and who our celebrities are, then our whole country would go down!" His voice boomed across the television. All you could think about was your kids who were being forced to watch this public broadcast in school.

As a matter of fact, there wnowhereere you could go to get out of watching this. It was shown everywhere, and on every channel. It played on your phone, your ipad, your computer screen. Anywhere and everywhere.

"As we all know, job assignments for the 2nd grade our happening in a couple of days, and I want to remind everyone why we have this and why we need this. With being assigned a job at a young age, all of your classes for the rest of your schooling our tailored towards these jobs. This removes the need for college, and removes the issue of homelessness as well. This makes sure our country have everything that is necessary to run smoothly!"

You rolled your eyes at his speech. When you were in the second grade you were enjoying school, learning about animals and numbers, but now everyone was being forced jobs down their throats. When the job assignments happened, most adults had to quit the work they already had if they weren't one of the lucky ones to stay. You got kicked out of your marketing job, and was put on clothes making, which forced you to create clothes the designers make, and sell them.

"Now let's take a moment to thank our creators for their hard work this year in pop culture. Thank you, and have a good night." The channel switched back to a white noise screen.

You looked over at your husband, Tyler, to see how he was handling it. Out of everyone it was Tyler, and his friend Josh, who got hit the hardest with job assignments. Before the ban, Tyler and Josh were in a band called Twenty One Pilots, and they had impacted lots of people with their music, and they were considered celebrities, but they were unfortunately banned from becoming a creator because their music somehow correlated with suicide, and they could no longer play or listen to music. Or at least that is what Keons told you.

Only the listeners, which were pretty much the only top 1% of the country, could listen to what creators make. Other creators who do art, or authors, or designers, could showcase all their work to the country, except songwriters. Nico had it out for songwriters and music in general. You remembered when your childhood was filled with color and music and singing, and now it seems like the sky is always gray and the silence of Dema was haunting.

"We're going to have to have the talk with Autumn tonight." Tyler mumbles into his hands that he was resting his head on. Autumn was your guys middle child. She was a sweet, caring little 7 year old with long brown hair.

"It's going to be okay! Everything was fine with Connor!" You explain. Connor was your eldest son, he was twelve, which made him only 4 when the ban had started. He got a job assignment to be a scientist that works on DNA testing. You were all very excited for him getting a high paying job assignment.

"I just don't want Autumn to be disappointed in her job, I want her to understand that all jobs are equal in maintaining a running country." Tyler stands up and starts pacing back and forth. He did this when he had the urge to sing or write.

"Ty, it's going to be okay. Come sit down, and lets watch a nature documentary until the kids are home from school." You hear crying coming from your baby monitor that laid on the table next to you.

"I got him!" Tyler exclaims as he was already walking away to get your youngest son, Westley, who had just turned one a couple days ago. He walked back holding a little baby wrapped in a yellow blanket in your arms. You thought back to when he would hold connor and sing to him, but now Westley nor Autumn will ever be able to him sing.

Even though you did not approve of what Nico is doing for the country of Dema, you were glad that you still had an amazing family. You had a wonderful and loving husband, and three amazing sweet kids. Everything was turning out okay.

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