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The next morning, my pack and I gathered outside on the grounds near the lake. A giant squid lazily moved along just under the surface of the water, leaving little ripples along in it's wake. We had each paired off and were dueling with long thin rapiers or carved staves. Magic had it's uses, but knowledge in hand to hand combat was crucial for a pack's survival. 

Arya was my sparring partner, one of the best in my pack with a blade. We were circling each other, waiting for the other to strike first. She swung her blade first.

I blocked the blow with a quick lunge and duck to the right. In a blur of movement and the clamor of sword on sword, we drove mercilessly at each other. Even though the morning wasn't especially warm, I felt sweat trickle down the back of my neck. 

In the end, we called a draw. Panting with the exertion, I grinned at Arya as I leaned on my rapier. 

"You almost had me." I said heavily, attempting to catch my breath. 

"And you, me." Arya replied with a laugh, "I guess we really put on a show." Looking around us, I saw students on break gathered around, watching the duel. 

With amusement, I bowed to our audience. As I came up, I noticed someone in the crowd. It wasn't a student, I had seen him last night at the head table. A teacher. He had longer, dark hair, pale skin, and an air of intelligence. Our eyes met and he gave me a slight nod. I bowed my head slightly in return. 

"Who is that?" Frey appeared behind me, also curious about the watching professor. 

"I don't know," I murmured in reply, "But I intend to find out." 

Nephilim Bride | A Severus Snape x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now