Death on Silent Wings

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I didn't tell Severus what had happened in the village. He didn't need to think about that with everything else going on. Besides, I doubted Malfoy would say shit since I no doubtedly broke his nose. 

"The students are causing trouble for our headmistress," My husband smirked as we lay in bed that night. 

"Good." I said, laying my head on his chest. I hoped they drove her bat shit insane. Closing my eyes, I listened to his heartbeat.

"(Y/N)?" Severus's voice rumbled in my ear. 

"Hmm?" I murmured.

"Do you think everything will work out in the end?" He asked. I opened my eyes again and peered up into his dark gaze. 

"I think it will," I smiled at him. Severus smiled down in return, giving me several sweet kisses before wrapping me in his arms. It had to work out in the end. We were all doomed if it didn't. 

Several weeks went by in playful chaos. The students and staff put Umbridge through hell in an insubordinate attempt to drive her out. My pack and I stood on the side lines, watching the whole scene unfurl. It was absolute poetic justice. 

On a night very similar to the one Dumbledore vanished on, Umbridge sent one of her student lackeys to find Severus in our room. 

"Stay here." He gave me a quick kiss before disappearing out the door. Sensing danger, I threw on a pair of stretchy pants and a sleeveless top, things easy to fly and fight in. When Severus came back, pale faced, he found his Nephilim bride ready to fight with great black wings unfurled. 

"Things are happening," He said, locking the door behind him, "The Dark Lord is making his move." 

"And?" I questioned, "What are we to do? Fight him? Disappear? What?" 

Severus shook his head, "We do nothing. If we make our own move, it could betray us to either side." 

"So we hide," I huffed in frustration, "You do that Severus, I'm going out." I tried to brush past him to go to the door, but he blocked my path.

"Think, (Y/N)," He implored, "It's too soon for us to make a move of our own." Furious, I snarled at him, long vicious fangs glinting in the fire light while my black eyes swallowed any light that came near him. Surprised, he stepped back. I left. 

My pack followed me on a flurry of beating wings, following a mass of dark cloudy mist. I caught glimpses here and there of dark wizards in grotesque masks. Followers of He Who Shall Not Be Named. 

"No survivors," I told Arya and Frey right behind me. The command spread among the pack and we each branched out, over taking a dark wizard. 

My victim didn't see me until my long talons sank into his back, sinking deep into his flesh. With a howl, he fully materialized. Pining him with one hand, I used my other hand and fangs to snap his pathetic little wand in half.

"You think a stick can help you?" I snarled, barely audible around feral fangs. 

"Who are you?" The dark wizard wailed.

"I'm death," I growled, using my free hand to rip out his throat, "And I'm here to eat your soul."

Nephilim Bride | A Severus Snape x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now