♡ How You Meet (Part 1) ♡

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Part 1 features Luther, Diego, and Klaus. Part 2 will feature Allison and Vanya.

You meet Luther on one of his "missions" from his father, pre-moon living.

You're walking down the sidewalk adjacent to Central Park as you see this tall blonde man running towards you in this absurd get up.

Oh shit he's running DIRECTLY at you..

You don't know whether you should shout at him to stop or if you should jump out of the way, but regardless on what you'd decide, it was too late.

The full force of Luther's body weight was enough to throw you back. You close your eyes and brace yourself for the worst.

Rather than falling on pavement you're resting on something rather soft. Peaking open on eye you see the masked blonde man laying on his back, arms wrapped around you.

"Ughhhh...I'm so sorry.." Luther groans out.

"It's fine, but maybe next time you want to run like a lunatic, watch where you're going."

You push yourself off his chest and brush yourself off. You reach out one hand to help Luther up but he denies it, getting up on his own.

"Once again, I am very sorry."

However, before you could respond Luther is running full speed in the direction he was once going.

"I didn't even get your name!" You shouted at his disappearing form.

"It's Luther!" He shouted back, "I'm sure we'll see each other again one day."

You look down at the area in which you fell only to see an indent in the pavement.

Moving to New York City was no easy decision and accumulating to life in the big city was quite a task.

After a man held you up at "gun point" in the alleyway of your apartment building in order to try and steal your wallet, which was thankfully in your place at the time, you decided you wanted to learn how to better defend yourself. The embarrassment of finding out the gun was fake was even worse than the fear you felt in the moment itself.

Through an ad you found stapled to a light post, you set your sights on a boxing ring close-by.

With the ad tightly clenched in your fist, you felt a knot in your stomach developing. Standing outside the venue was more anxiety-inducing that you anticipated.

After some time and multiple trips back and forth to the front door you decided to reach out for the handle. Before you could grab hold, it swings out nearly missing you and a woman with a badge around her neck comes storming out, paying barely any attention to you.

Becoming more angry than anxious, you decided to just head on inside because punching something may help you feel better.

Stepping inside you were greeted with a chorus of grunts and grounds mixed with the various sounds of punches landing.

An older gentlemen notices how lost you appear and motion for you to walk over towards him.

"What're you here for kid?"

You sheepishly unfold the ball that was once the ad and show it to him, "I'm here to learn self defense."

"I know just the guy for the job. Follow me."

The older gentleman leads you through the entirety of the boxing gym until he reaches a door on the far end. Knocking twice and receiving no answer he opens the door.

Peaking into the dimly lit room you can't see much past the bottom of the staircase.

"Diego are you decent?" The man calls into the darkness.

"What the hell did I tell you about barging in like that old man."  A man appears at the bottom of the staircase pulling a shirt over his head. "This better be good."

"I have someone here who wants to learn how to fight."

"T-that's not what I want I want to-" you stammer out, this Diego individual staring at you with his arms crossed.

"Is that what you want or not? I don't have all day."

"I want to learn how to defend myself, sir..." you squeaked out.

'God, why did I just call him sir he's only like 3 years older than me this is so mortifying...' you thought to yourself

"Meet me here tomorrow at noon. I have important business to attend to currently."

Being a bartender in NYC was a blessing and a curse. The tips were often pretty great depending on the night as well as the crowd, however you often had to deal with some interesting individuals and would frequently have to throw people out.

Tonight was one of those nights.

It was a bit crowded for a Wednesday but your boss was trying out a new drink special for the "hump day slump" as he put it.

It was close to midnight when an extravagant character of a man sauntered in.

You were behind the bar wiping it down once you saw there was a lull in the crowd. As you were doing so, a man in a faux fur trimmed jacket stumbled himself into a stool. You heard the dragged of the stool against the floor and cringed.

Doing this gig for a few years, you became accustomed to the noises that came with a bar-goer already being plastered.

You could hear them picking at the popcorn bowl that was on top of the bar. Did I mention the bar you worked at was film themed?

Realizing you wiped all that you could and that no other bartender was going to assist the stool-screeching customer, you let out a small sigh and turned around to face them.

The man was leaning over with one cheek in his hand, snacking away. Originally he was looking down but when you spun around his eyes locked onto yours.

'Oh, he's kinda cute..' you thought, but quickly shook the thought from your head.

"What can I do for you?"
"Do you have wine by any chance?"
"Red or white?"

You let out a small "okay" as you began to list off the options to the man. When you finished the man kept staring at you.

"I'll take whatever is cheapest, I don't have that much money on me."

Placing the glass down in front of him, he perked up a bit. Seeing that he was satisfied you went on to continue tending to the bar and help other customers that were coming up.

When you walked by him once more you noticed the glass was empty and so was the barstool.

Squinting your eyes in frustration at first, as you believed he left without paying, you walked over and grabbed the glass off the counter. Underneath it there was a note and a $20 bill.

The note read: "I was unsure how much it cost and gave you most of what I had, keep whatever is left for yourself :) -Klaus"

Smiling at the note you folded it and placed it in one of your jean pockets as you continued cleaning up the space left in front of you.

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