♡ The Second Meeting (Part 1) ♡

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It's been about a week and a half since your bizarre encounter with that hulk of a man. Every single day on your commute from work you pass by that spot where you two fell. They are just now getting to fixing the sidewalk where his body left an indent.

'Hopefully it didn't cause too many unexpected injuries.'  You thought, glancing down to the construction site as you narrowly maneuver the remaining sliver of sidewalk.

It was a beautiful day outside and you got off early so you decided to casually stroll through the park for a bit.

Ten minutes have passed and a lot of yards have been covered until you hear a commotion to your left.

You glance over and see a huge crowd surrounding a tree with one woman in the middle freaking out.

Scooting closer to the circle to hear what is occurring, you can see that there is a young boy in the tree smiling down at his mom.

"Oh my god Carter baby how did you go up there?!"

"I climbed, but I can't get down it's too high."

Almost on instinct the man who nearly tackled you into oblivion, came running down the walkway towards the tree.



"Please help my son!"

"I'm on it!"

'This is so god damn cheesy I feel like I'm in a superhero movie..' you thought to yourself

As quick as he appeared, he was able to maneuver the young boy out of a tree.

'This is so cliche, the only thing worse would be if it was a cat instead of a kid.'

Placing the boys feet back on the ground, Luther straightened his back out. Glancing around the audience of people all clapping and chanting his name, a smile on his face, his eyes locked into yours.

He not-so-gracefully moved his tall, muscular frame through the crowd of people towards you.

"Hey, I recognize you. Are you doing okay? I still feel awful for plowing you down like that."

"I'm fine, really. The sidewalk didn't seem to be though." you let out a small laugh.

"Oh yeah, about that.."

"I can see why that happened now."

He grinned sheepishly, "Maybe it's fate that we keep meeting in these circumstances? Like perhaps the universe is telling me I save your life and sweep you off your feet or something."

"Is that your way of flirting?" You smirked at the man who's face was now 12 different shades of red.

"Am I failing that badly?"

"No it's kinda cute. Do you have any pockets in that thing?" You asked, eyes grazing over his superhero-like body suit.

"Actually, I do!"

You were in the middle of scribbling your number into a piece of paper while he was answering your question, not caring about the answer, as you were going to give it to him regardless.

You handed him the number and his face got even redder.

"See you around, Spaceboy."

You couldn't believe you were even more nervous than the day before. Today you had to actually start practicing self defense with a man who seemed rather, for a lack of better words, unfriendly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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