♡ How You Meet (Part 2) ♡

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Wanting to make a lifestyle change from your current career to a new one, you reached out to every single production company in the Los Angeles area imaginable looking for work.

You had the education, you had the recommendations, you just lacked the experience currently that most were looking for.

Just as you decide to call it a night on the job search and close your laptop to bed you receive a text:

"Hello, my name is Anastasia Reeves and I'm the head of hiring at Vibrant Suns Productions. I apologize for such a late response to your application but I was reviewing it just now and wanted to reach out to you about setting up an interview. The position would however not be something you applied for, but would be the personal assistant to one of the stars in an upcoming production for the entire length of the film shoot. Please respond whenever possible. Thank you."

Texting back immediately you confirmed on a date and time to meet for the interview. Clutching your phone to your chest you turned off the screen and smiled, quickly falling asleep.

The day of the interview-
You arrive at the studio grounds pulling up to a guard gate. Upon showing them your credentials and allowing you to pass, you find a quick parking spot and your nerves start firing off.

Quizzing yourself on finding the answers to some stock questions one may be asked, you realize that your interview time is creeping closer.

Letting out a short sigh you turn off your car and climb out. Placing your feet on the asphalt seemed to be more of a challenge than usual. Walking felt like an out-of-body experience.

Opening the door to building of your meeting place you're greeted by a rush of cold air. Turning to the receptionist she informs you to follow her down the hall to a room at the end of it on the right.

"Ms. Reeves, (y/n) is here for you."

Peering into the room you see two women seated across from where you are to be seated for the interview.

"(Y/n), I'm Anastasia, it's nice to formally meet you." The woman on your left mentioned while reaching her hand out to shake yours.

After handshakes are exchanged she turns to the woman to her left, "This is Allison Hargreeves, she's who's personal assistant you will become if given the position."

You worked at a local theater in NYC after getting your degree from a university located in your home state. The Icarus Theater has been your new domain for almost a year now.

You worked on the soundboard for all of their productions. Lately a chamber orchestra was dipping their toes at the venue. St. Pluvium was their name if you could recall correctly.

Yawning, you open up the door to the tech booth and place all of your personal items inside. You're about to turn to leave the booth when you notice a lone chair sitting on the stage.

Squinting in confusion then rubbing your eyes to make sure you're awake and actually seeing said sight, you decide to head down to deal with it.

You're used to being the first person to the theater each day, having a bad case of insomnia would bring your ability to be early to everything to a whole new level.

Being the first one there every morning caused you to notice the mess others left over from the nights before. Secretly cursing the stagehands in your head, you made your way down the long aisle towards the chair's resting place.

Climbing the stairs to the stage you reach the chair placing one hand on it when you notice something move from side-stage, behind the curtain.

"Hello?" You call out, voice slightly cracking from the adrenaline rush you received so early in the morning.

"I-I'm sorry.." a voice called out.

The owner of the voice emerged from the shadows, clutching an instrument case.

"..I didn't think anyone was going to be here this early and wanted to practice.."

Taking your hand off of the back of the chair, your heart beat begins to slowdown.

"I'm Vanya Hargreeves. I'm part of the St. Pluvium orchestra." The quiet mouse-like woman mumbled out, reaching her right hand out for yours.

"I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), I'm a sound technician here at the theater. It appears we're going to be working together quite often coming up." Your had meets hers in a firm handshake.

A/N: Allison is kinda hard to write for seeing that I feel like her personality isn't as strongly shown/developed as her brothers and sister :(

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