chapter 13

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lu!: who would win in a fight
lu!: stuart little or remy from ratatouille?
sent 3:37 am

lu!: cmon ash this is important i need to know
lu! i can't stop thinking about it
sent 3:46 am

sent 3:51 am

ash<3: are u serious
ash<3: luke it's almost 4 AM
ash<3: i am a NORMAL human trying to sleep
ash<3: because i have a JOB that i have to be at in 5 hours
sent 3:54 am

ash<3: stuart little would win
ash<3: now leave me alone
sent 3:57 am


lu!: good morning baby!

ash<3: we're not talking

lu!: why :-( i missed u!

ash<3: considering i was woken up at 4 in the morning and didn't go back to sleep until 6 and had to be up at 7:30, im a little irritated
ash<3: to put it nicely

lu!: aw ash, are u really mad at me??
lu!: im sorry! i didn't mean to wake you up!
lu!: i just couldn't stop thinking about it
sent 10:21 am

lu!: bubs i apologized
lu!: u can stop ignoring me now :-(
sent 10:34 am

ash<3: i wasn't ignoring you, lu. i was working- remember the job i had to be at
ash<3: and ps im still irritated. you have to find someway to make it up to me now

lu!: you're back!
lu!: and what do you mean make it up to you???
lu! ill bring you lunch?

ash<3: hmmmm
ash<3: i guess that'll work, meet me here at 12:30

lu!: okay, see u then.
lu!: i love you
sent at 10:39 am

ash<3: i love you too, lu


Luke pulled into the parking lot of the small floral shop that Ashton worked at with Panera in his passenger seat. He was sad that Ashton was upset with him- even if he knew he was slightly joking- so he got him his favorite food.

He grabbed the bags, and got out of the car heading to meet his curly haired boyfriend inside. Usually when he brought him lunch, they were able to sit outside on the patio furniture they had set up outside. He saw Ashton coming outside to meet him and his face lit up at the sight of the shorter boy.

Luke set the bags on the table once he reached it, and stepped forward to wrap Ashton in a warm embrace. Ashton melted into his strong arms and hugged him a little tighter.

"Hey bubs!" Luke greeted once they pulled away. Ashton smiled brightly at the nickname as he sat down at the small table.

"Hey Lu," Ashton replied. "Thanks for bringing me lunch. You really didn't have to."

"Right," Luke laughed in response. "I know you, Ashton. If I wasn't here at 12:30, you would've sent out a search party." Ashton chuckled at Luke's response and nodded his head in agreement. The two pulled out their lunch and dug in.

"Oh my gosh, this is so good," Ashton moaned out when taking the first bite of his macaroni and cheese. Luke laughed at the boy's response and stole a bite of the delicious food.

They ate in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Luke spoke up again.

"So, what do you think about me getting a dog?" The blonde asked curiously. Ashton looked up at Luke with a disbelieving face.

"A dog, Luke? You can barely remember to feed yourself?" Ashton said while shaking his head. Luke pouted as he heard what his boyfriend replied. He was hoping for a more positive answer.

"Whatever! I could take care of it! I take care of you don't I?" Luke inquired, trying to get to other boy to agree with him. Ashton just let out a breathy laugh.

"What about a fish, Luke? That seems a little easier to start out with."

"Uh, you can't even cuddle a fish! Or play catch it! That is so boring," Luke fought back.

"Luke, dogs are high maintenance. You have to feed them and walk them and train them and pick up after them. Do you really want to clean up dog poop off of your carpet everyday?" Luke considered what Ashton was telling him and nodded his head slowly.

"You're so right, Ashton! I think I'll get a cat instead," Luke replied, happy with his decision. Ashton just shook his head again and tried to convince Luke otherwise.

"No, Luke. You're missing the point. All animals are hard to take care of, some harder than others, but they all take responsibility."

"Are you saying I'm irresponsible?" Luke asked looking at Ashton curiously.

"Of course not! I just don't want you to take on something that overwhelms you and then have to take the dog or cat back," Ashton told him honestly.

"Well, since we're moving in together, we can just share the responsibility! It would get all the attention it would need from both of us!" Luke argued.

Ashton really didn't have a problem with having pets, he just knew Luke, and knew that if he had to take the animal back, he would be crushed. Luke did bring up a good point though, with both of them helping, it would make it easier. Ashton believe that him and Luke could handle a pet, but maybe just a cat. Ashton was a cat person.

"Okay, fine. Let's get a cat," Ashton told the blonde after thinking for a few minutes. Luke's face shone brightly and he got up, giving Ashton and big kiss and enveloping him in a hug.

"Yes! Thank you so much, Ash! Let's go get it today!" Ashton chuckled at his boyfriends excited demeanor and agreed to go after he got off work.

The two chatted for the rest of Ashton's lunch break, and when they had to go, they gave one last longing hug.

"See ya later, bubs! Can't wait to get our new baby!" Luke said happily to Ashton.

"Me neither, Lu. I love you." Ashton said, equally as happy. Luke's smile got even wider hearing those words, leaning down to kiss Ashton's forehead.

"I love you too, baby."


what the heck !! i suck !! every a/n is just me apologizing for never updating and then complaining about how depressed i am and blah blah blah, whatever who cares. im not even gonna say im gonna try to update because we all know it won't happen!

anyways, hope you enjoyed! thanks for reading!

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