An Unwanted Encounter

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(Authors note: Hello, you filthy sinners. The artist of this lovely piece said they would much rather not be named so no shout out's to the artist. I absolutely love the background of this one! High effort background, and a cute jevil boi... perfection. Anyways, welcome to the story! I hope you enjoy this bumpy ride.)

The mess hall of the castle was filled with jovial laughter. The various guards of the castle were enjoying their dinner. Pleasant commentaries filled the room with many of them speaking to each other about how their day went or what they are planning on doing later. You only knew this was happening because of how noisy the other guards were. You face was currently stuffed into a history book about the Card Castle.

You wanted to know more about your workplace, as you have little knowledge of the current or former state of this place at all. You flick to the next page, eager to keep sucking up the interesting knowledge found within. You felt like you were really their, back in the days when the lighteners still roamed in the dark world.

A small hand begins tapping on the table in front of you. You look up to see the darkner that broke your concentration. The face of your happy, chilled out Rudinn partner greets your features. You are both on a team together. You being the support and him being the DPS. However, your partnership was quite recently formed as you were only hired by the castle a week ago.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Rudinn said in that laid back voice of his. You sigh slightly, annoyed with the Rudinns intrusion. You place a bookmark on the current page your reading and close the book gently. "Rudinn, what do you want?"

"Well, is was wondering if you might want to go back to our room. I mean I know that this isn't like really your scene." Rudinn removes his hand from the table and starts rummaging around in his hat. He pulls a key out of it and holds it out to you. "You don't have to stay here."

Your eyes grew a little softer at the Rudinn. He was quite considerate of you during your brief time here as a guard. You shake your head.

"I would if I could, Rudinn. But, unfortunately for me, I was chosen for clean up duty." Clean up duty was a randomly assigned task that was given to two members of the castle (Except for the kings of course.). All it meant was that you had to clean up the mess hall and kitchen after dinner or you would have to suffer some sort of punishment. You heard that the last guy that ditched his clean up duty had to be the personal guard for the King of Spades for a week. A fate that most would say was way worse than death.

Rudinn replied with "Oh, Ok." and placed the key back into his hat. Rudinn looked at you puzzled. " Hey, do you know who's the other dude, on duty with you." You placed your hand on your chin. "Well, I don't know." You open up your book again, signaling that the conversation was over. "I just hope that whoever it is actually, helps." You heard the Rudinn's serpentine body slither away from you towards the loud-mouthed group of guards. You start reading again and find yourself entranced in the pages once again.

Gradually, guards began leaving. All probably going back to their rooms for their much-needed sleep. You could hear Rudinn whisper. "(Y/N), I'll leave our door unlocked so you can get inside, ok?" Not looking up from your book you gave a curt nod and you heard him slither out of the room.

After he left, the strange silence compelled you to glance at the world around you. Rudinn must have been the last guard here because there is not a creature in sight. However, what was in sight was a disgusting mess.

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