~❀~ Bondage, But Not the BDSM Kind ~❀~

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Today was a Saturday, which meant that the campers could do whatever they wanted all day. It was a particularly humid morning, which made all the campers feel lazy, so Nikki, Neil, and Max all sat in the boys' tent and talked for a bit. Of course, it was inevitable that they would begin to gossip about the new campers.

"So guys," Nikki asked. "What do you think of Basil?"

Max shrugged. "Eh, it's a bit too early for me to make a judgment, but she seems pretty alright. Better than the other two, at least."

Nikki nodded. "Understandable. What about you, Neil?"

A small smile tugged at Neil's lips. "She definitely seems like an interesting person. I mean, did you see her pets?"

"Yeah, that's a little weird for someone to bring a bunch of animals here, but whatever. It's not my problem, Nikki's the one who has to deal with the tent smelling like a zoo because of it."

"Nikki, you must blend in pretty well with it." Neil snickered.

Nikki nodded. "No objection there!"

Max twirled a twig in his hands. "What about that Lyra girl? What a weirdo."

"She is!" Nikki exclaimed. "You don't know my struggle, I have to share a tent with her. She was acting so weird last night. I really hope she's just not like that all the time."

"Weird as in what?" Neil asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The only time she's talked is to call Basil and I 'immature', and then after dinner she disappeared for like- 3 hours! Then she came back into the tent for about 10 seconds and disappeared again! She wasn't even there when we woke up!"

"Oh, my. Sounds shady." Neil replied.

Max was silent. Then a smile formed on his face. "Guys, oh my god, I just had the best idea."

"What?" Nikki and Neil both perked up. Max always had the best mischief-related ideas.

"We're gonna show this edgy high schooler who runs this camp. We have to find out where she's going at night, and then fuck her up somehow."

"Woah, man, that's fuckin' sick!" Someone yelled from outside of the tent. Naturally, the three had to come out and see what was going on. Harrison, Basil, and Alex were standing out in the tent circle's clearing. Harrison was showing the two some cheesy magic tricks, including the classic rabbit-in-the hat one. Basil was staring at the furry creature in awe. "Can I keep it?"

Harrison shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

Basil let out a squeal of delight. Her voice and actions resembled a toddler at Christmas, or a preteen at a boy band concert. "Yes!" She threw herself onto Harrison, wrapping her arms around her neck and twirling him around. Harrison's face grew red as he nearly toppled over. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Basil took the rabbit in her arms and began to cuddle it as the three spectators came over. Neil stepped up to Harrison, who was still recovering from being thrown around. "You think you're cool, Harrison?" Neil spat with crossed arms.

"Yeah, kind of." Harrison gave a smug grin.

"Well you're not!" Neil said. "Doing cheap magic tricks to try to impress a couple of new faces? That's such a lame thing to do."

"Hey, it seems to be working! In just three seconds, I've gotten more action than you've ever gotten in your entire-"

"Harrison!" Basil called as she bounded back into the conversation. She obviously hadn't noticed the tension, she was too busy hugging the black and white rabbit. "Do you have any name suggestions? I was kind of thinking Jimmy, but I dunno, maybe you'll have some better ones?" Neil cleared his throat awkwardly to try to shut her up. Instead, Basil turned to Neil. "Oh, hey Neil! Do you have any good names for this boy?" She lifted the rabbit up into Neil's face. Neil backed up a few steps and put his hands up defensively. "Uh... no?"

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