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The moon shone over Lake Lilac. A chilling breeze shook the forest of pine trees. The only sound other than the wind was the sound of crickets and occasional hoot of an owl. A figure stood on the end of the dock. It walked up to the edge and began to sing; clear notes but inaudible words with a calm voice. Then, still singing, it plunged into the freezing water. All was quiet.

Max gasped as his eyes flew open. His pulse was racing and his face was red and covered in sweat. Propping himself up with his elbows, he stood up and looked around. Neil was still sound asleep on the opposite side of the tent. The air was still a bit cold, but it was light out. The sun was just beginning to rise above the horizon. He took a few deep breaths before slowly getting up off the cot and pulling his blue sweatshirt over his head. He noticed his stuffed bear lying on the ground, so he picked it up and pushed it into his sleeping bag. He prayed that no one had seen it, even Neil, whom Max trusted the most. Max had assured Neil that he had broken the stuffed animal habit last year, and always waited for him to fall asleep first before taking it out. Max rubbed his aching head and looked around the tent. He couldn't help but feel as if somebody was watching him. Weird. Max shuddered and began to make coffee with the coffee maker that he had smuggled into the tent from the mess hall. He drummed his fingers against the small tabletop anxiously. Why was he so paranoid this morning? Then, he noticed Neil start to stir in his cot. Thank God, he was waking up. Like Nikki, Neil was an early riser, though he wasn't as enthusiastic about mornings as she was.

Neil slowly rose into a sitting position, scratching his head and yawning. "Good morning, Max."


"You're up early. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Max fidgeted impatiently as he waited for his coffee to brew. "I...I had this really weird dream. It wasn't a nightmare, I don't know. It bothered me."

Neil grunted in acknowledgment as he stretched and rubbed the weariness out of his eyes. "Try not to think about it too much, it's probably nothing."

Max took the mug of freshly brewed coffee out from under the maker. "Yeah." He sighed as he tapped the mug of scorching hot caffeine. He couldn't help but feel as if someone- or something- was in his presence.

The Summer of '19 - A Camp Camp FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now