Making new friend ..

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Anushka reached her college still angry on her parents., like how can they ignore her like she doesn't even exist ? Her life after her 18th birthday got worsened every passing day and this affected her studies too . Once she topped in all her subjects but today she barely make it to get pass .,  Her marks falling continuously not because she can't study but because she don't find interest in studies anymore after her father's announcement about how her future would be . In starting she purposely scored less marks compare to her calibre of studies and mind so that her parents give attention on her low marks ,  might talk to her and change their decision of her marriage but to her surprise her parents didn't utter a word on it ., in fact they talked to teachers telling them they don't upset with her marks and believed it's their daughter's best scores according to her calibre.  Like really??
Seems like they boycott her before marriage.

Anushka entered her class and took last seat to avoid other students . She was never like this but her parents, siblings and relatives behaviour made her loner kinda person now the enthusiasm she feel before died now .
Class started and anushka start writing notes teacher telling , she stopped writing to starch her fingers when her eyes fell on her classmate rajiv who mouthed 'hi' towards her and smile 🙂  she nodded slightly to him and drawn her eyes back again in her notebook ., It's not a first time rajiv try to be friends with her or try to start a conversation with her , he kept doing this from day one of college but she somewhat not ready to be friends with other students knowing she can't go out with them nor share her problem with them . Her only friend in this college is her school's best friend Anju with whom she can talk freely at least for some hours of the day ..

After class anushka go to library to meet Anju as both have different classes same time so they can meet up in their lunch break , library break and when to leave college in evening.  Anushka while waiting for her reading a book when Anju come to her

Anju :- so sorry yaar(buddy)  I couldn't met you in morning actually my class started and you didn't arrived at that moment 😶

Anushka with small weak smile :- it's okay yaar I got late today and I got bumped with someone and kind of scold him too much.

Anju widen her eyes hearing this and say :- explain..

Anushka sigh :- in morning I got angry on papa who told me to come home straight after college so that I can try on my upcoming wedding dress . So in anger I rushed into a guy nearby our college road and insult him he didn't even shout on me or anything but I said too much to him and now I feel guilty over it , I pour maa papa's anger on him .

Anju hmm in understanding and say :-  what's done is done but if you see him again say sorry to him I mean if he is a nice guy he understand it and you don't feel guilty too 😊 by the way was he handsome huh ?😉

Anushka smile on her and say :- I was in full anger so I didn't check him out completely but his face looks manly and appealing and he gave me his charming smile (anushka say this remembering about prabhas 😍)

Anju smile widely :- oh my gosh wow anu baby in all these years finally find someone charming 😄 now I so wish he meet you again and that though today itself , you say him sorry and then you guys talk , be friends and then maybe you both 😍 please please god send that guy again for anu 🙏

Anushka smile shoke her head on her friend's childishness and attempts to make her happy:- well Anju I don't think that's going to happen as I really don't think it's good time for making new friends when I know I have less time for my college life cause after these two months I will be trapped in my arrange marriage so ..

Anju's smile fell hearing her as she knows what anushka meant :- anu I still don't understand why your parents doing this I mean my parents are also conservative and orthodox type but they didn't think yet about my marriage cause of my studies as we live in such new times where education and job is considered important for marriage life but your parents are like seriously.

Anushka didn't comment on this just shrug her shoulder as she herself don't know anything about her parents decision . Anju looking at her lost face put her hand on her hand to assure her say

Anju :- but you I have a feeling that maybe this decision make your life happy I mean I read many of wattpad arrange marriage stories where girl boy forced to marry and hate each other and their parents for forcing arrange marriage on them but slowly they fell in love and live happily ever after. So maybe that happens with you too 😊

Anushka think about for a moment and ask :- do these stories heroines get horrifying nightmares every night too like me ?

Anju nodded no sadly .
Anushka :- so I have very less hope with this marriage thing .

They talk for some more time and then get back to their classes .,

In evening anushka left her college  but her eyes met with two dark honey brown pair of eyes who light up seeing her .
Anushka make her way towards the stranger remembering about what anju said to her that if she again see that guy then go and apologies to him  and that's what she going to do apologise to this charming stranger(prabhas😍) ...

Thoughts about prabhas??

I gave them their real names in this story as when I think of this story in starting I couldn't come up with any other names 😁

Thoughts about what's going on happen further???

Please ignore my silly mistakes in words 🙂

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