The Vic Mignogna Situation: Both Sides Are NOT Equal

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A/N: a look at the differences between both sides on the vic drama.

Austin: Now yes, there are maybe a few IStandWithVic people who may do stuff like threatening or bullying. But, there's more of us who are trying to, at the very least, be more respectful on this and want to know the evidences to the accusations that have been made, as well as question some things that the opposing side offers. Which many people who had stood with vic have very much done. 

Now, this can also apply to some on the KickVic side who are trying to be more respectful and reasonable. However, Some people, if not most people, on the KickVic side seem to be a little more harsh on thing and just act like mean spirited jerks. Or whenever something comes up like they did an "investigation" some people on the kickvic side wanna rub it in people's faces. 

(I'm looking at you Zankye Gaming).

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