None of the pictures shown in this book are mine!
The characters are all owned by Jk Rowling!
I hope you enjoy this instagram based story set in the Marauders Era!
Stay Proud xx
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@Lilcutie: My outfit I just bought!
@Wolfmoon: I love all your outfits! So cute! @Lilcutie: Thanks Rem @Prongsie: 😍😍 @MarlsKween: Cute! @SexyDorkAss: Nice @Alice_: Love it! @Prongsie: 😍😍 @Wolfmoon: Who are you @Prongsie? @Prongsie: A friend @Lilcutie: no he's just some weirdo I met at the cafe. @Prongsie: I'm not a weirdo! @Wolfmoon: Then stop stalking Lily. @MarlsKween: oh hey James. Didn't know you knew Lily @Lilcutie: wait you 2 know each other?! @Prongsie: Yeah! @Lilcutie: How do you deal with him @MarlsKween @Prongsie: Excuse me?! @MarlsKween: Idk. I just do. @SexyDorkAss: nah we just ignore him @Prongsie: wow ok. I thought u were my friends Marlene and Dorcas @Lilcutie: oh you know him too @SexyDorkAss? @SexyDorkAss: I only know him cuz I know @ImAlwaysSirius @ImAlwaysSirius: Someone called?! @SexyDorkAss: yeah. I was just telling Lily here how ik @Prongsie @ImAlwaysSirius: oh. Hi @Lilcutie: Hi @Wolfmoon: Hi @MarlsKween: Hi @ImAlwaysSirius: •/////• @Wolfmoon: ??