None of the pictures shown in this book are mine!
The characters are all owned by Jk Rowling!
I hope you enjoy this instagram based story set in the Marauders Era!
Stay Proud xx
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@Lilcutie: ngl but this is so adorable and creative @ImAlwaysSirius
@Wolfmoon: Ikr so adorable @ImAlwaysSirius: Thanks guys. I tried.
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@Prongsie: I think the like each other
@ImAlwaysSirius: yesss @Lilcutie: aww so adorable @Wolfmoon: I need a pet now omg @Lilcutie: But you have the wolves @Wolfmoon: No but like one I can actually bring places @Prongsie: Get a dog @ImAlwaysSirius: I'll come with uuu @Wolfmoon: 🙄
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@ImAlwaysSirius: I think Shadow is having fun
@Prongsie: Of course he is @FoodiePete: hey that's the ball I gave him @FoodiePete: It's like already destroyed though @ImAlwaysSirius: Uhm yeah. He destroyed all of his toys
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@Alice_: Uhm.. I think Akira stole one of Shadow's toys
@ImAlwaysSirius: :0 @Frankly: oops. I gave it to her @ImAlwaysSirius: :( @Alice_: We won't keep it. I'll make sure I take it back @ImAlwaysSirius: :)