Chapter 27

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Taehyung's POV~

    W-what did I do wrong? What was I thinking? Jungkook loving me? I thought I was good enough for him. but I guess not. I mean why the hell am I getting so worked up about this? This was my plan right? Jungkook falling for me again and I would be cuddling up with him and Wendy coming home seeing I was cheating on her, but for some odd reason I feel hurt.

    I just can't seem to get away from Jungkook or these stupid feelings for him. The way he cried and broke down in front of me, and how he looked in so much pain. Yet somehow he was strong enough to get up and leave me. Leave me in confusion and so many feelings that I can't seem to explain. Do I love Jungkook? Or is it just my head messing with me saying, "That's the one, but in reality he's not the one. You will probably fuck up the relationship first." Why can't I be normal? Why can't I be like a normal guy living a normal life? I can't be anything to someone, and not go on breaking their heart. I know for a fact Wendy and I aren't going to last. I know for sure my drunk ass will ruin the relationship. So why even try for Jungkook? I don't want to hurt him, yeah I love him I really do, but I guess I fuck things up.

    I should've opened the door last night. I heard the knocks but I never thought it would be him. I thought it was some drunk guy knocking at a random house. I wish I could turn back time and change that little thing. I can't believe I lost someone so special to me, someone I felt so comfortable with. We both have to move on though. As much as it hurts me, I got to move on.

Jungkook's POV~

Why did I do this you may ask? Well, you see I know I won't stand a chance with Taehyung. Even if he did have a real feelings for me and said he loved me I can't accept that, no matter how much pain I've cost myself. I wanted to be with him since a while now, but that won't work now. I fucked up everything, I made decisions that I regret. Who cares at this point... love for me is all gone thanks Taehyung.

    I got a message from, my father.

Dad- Jungkook I got a new mission for you.

Dad- This one will cost you your life...

Dad- In about a week I will need you to meet me at my company.

Jungkook- What is it about?

Dad- I need you to kill someone for me again.

Jungkook- I haven't killed anyone since, the death of Kai...

Dad- This is your chance to prove yourself.

Jungkook- Alright

I can't be doing this, but I need the money. Jin and the others haven't even texted me seeing how I was doing. I'm pretty sure their lives are better without me in it. I guess this lifestyle was really meant for me. For me to be alone, for me not to be happy anymore, for me not to be with the people I care for the most but you know. Life sucks and life for me wasn't worth it. I guess this life I have is not the best but I guess I should move on from this. My friends are doing fine they moved on, that's all that matters. Their happiness is  more important to me than mine.

Mom- Hey son... how are you?

Mom- I just wanted to check up on you, I wish you the best of luck with your life and future!

Jungkook- Hey mom, I'm doing fine. I am still sorry for what I did I should've told you guys in the first place...

Jungkook- Wendy, talked to me and got me into my senses that I am a full grown adult and I need to live my own life.

Mom- That's good to hear! The house has been really quite ever since you and Wendy left. At least I know my two kids are doing well in life.

Mom- That reminds me, Wendy's birthday is coming up! Will you be joining us for her party?

Jungkook- I am not so sure.. I have a lot of work to do, but I'll see.

Mom- Wow, Look at you! Having work now, taking a lot of time from you. Well, if you can't make it we understand. No pressure!

Jungkook- Yeah... thanks mom.

Jungkook- I should get going. I still have some paperwork to finish off  before I head back home.

Mom- Okay, take care I love you!

Jungkook- Love you too, mom. Bye

Mom- Bye.

I sigh and throw my phone on the couch. I hate this, having to lie to my own mother about work and how I won't be able to attend my own sisters birthday party. I mean it's not like I have a choice, because on my sisters birthday... is also the mission.

so many





of my life

were wasted

making sure

i was 

h o l l o w



down to my

very roots

that there are

parts of myself

that can


be f i l l e d.

- sometimes i think it would be better if someone cut the whole tree down & started anew.

    So tell me why I am so infatuated with someone I know will inevitably break my heart. . .

Faded love |Vkook/Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now