🐼dating khloe includes 🐼

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Being her world

Her always being clingy

Her getting worried when you dont text her

You thinking she's the most gorgeous woman in the world

Kris LOVING you

You not liking Caitlyn very much bc you think she doesnt treat Khloe very well

Her being the most supportive girlfriend in the world

You not being able to lit into words how much you adore her

Sitting on her lap

Her sitting on your lap

You admiring her ass

You being the first yo like her pictures

Helping each other with your insecurities

You not understanding why she doesnt understand how perfect she is

Getting jealous

Her getting jealous

Being couple goals af

Falling asleep together

Hating Tristen and not knowing how he could hurt her or even look at someone else besides her

Kim not really liking you at first but now loving you

Her sticking up for you to no end

Her squeezing your ass

Her telling everybody how much she loves you

The fans loving you so much

Her being your princess

Reporting her racy photos is theyll get taken down

You lovvvvvvvvving True

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