💓first kiss💓

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*yall were watching Family Fued
*Kanye had the kids for the next couple of nights
*it was thundering out so you pretended to be scared so she'd cuddle you
*it worked
*you were currently on the couch cuddling
*you started to play with her hair
*"Your so gorgeous Kim"
*next thing you knew she kissed you
*you were shook
*the good kind of shook
*it was amazing

*yall at the club
*she had gotten wasted
*you dicided to go
*you called a cab
*you managed to get her in
*she kept being really affectionate
*you turned your head towards her
*"Ky St-"
*she slammed her face against yours
*you thought she broke your nose
*(she didnt)
*besides that it was nice

*you were grocery shopping
*you were making jokes
*she was laughing when all of a sudden she stopped and looked at you lovingly
*she leaned up/down and kissed you gently

*yall were with her family
*she was getting real annoyed
*she brought you into the kitchen to "get something to drink"
*she just jumped on the counter and got some water
*she was looking amazing as always and you were staring
*she motioned you closer
*you practically ran over to her
*she kissed you
*it was fantastic

*she was jealous
*someone was hitting on you
*she was pissed
*she just tapped your shoulder and bam

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