💘Jealousy Rating💘

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Kim: 6/10. She doesn't mind when you talk to other girls or when they're flirting with you because she knows she loves you. She does get jealous when she thinks your being overly friendly or when shes had a bad day or feeling insecure

Kendall: 8/10. She gets jealous when people flirt with you or when you spend a lot of time with other people.

Khloe: 9/10. She doesn't like you hanging out with other people or talking to other people for a long time. She gets really possessive when she thinks anyone is flirting with you and can be a but rude to the other person

Kourtney: 4/10. She knows you love her and you wouldn't hurt her. She does get jealous on bad days but not usually because she can be a bit flirty too

Kylie: 9/10. She gets really needy and upset if you hang out with other people or talk about other people. She also gets jealous when people flirt with you

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