when they think your cheating on them

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*you've been acting distant lately
*she didn't notice until Khloe pointed it out
*gets all suspicious
*tries to spend more time with you
*gets insecure
*gets more jealous and needy
*gets 10x more extra to show off for you

*is possessive af
*"I dont you hanging out with them. Dont speak to them, look at them, dont even fucking look in their direction" (me in a realationship)
*"I dobt see why you have to hang out with them. You did a week ago"

*is insecure
*gets more needy
*shows off for you
*gets bold and goes through your phone

*"I'll just go with you"
*10x more sex
*asks you about it
*trusts you though

*straight up asks you
*tries to convince herself she believes you
*cant tho
*doesn't want you hanging out with other people

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