Chapter 6

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For the first time in what felt like forever, you had actually slept through the night. Whether on the road or back "home", you were always looking over your shoulder, never being able to fully relax and sleep well. Making sure not to agitate any of your injuries, you lightly stretched your stiff limbs. You were surprised when you felt the bed next to you was empty and slowly sat up, looking around the room to see where Chibs had gone. As your eyes scanned the room, you found the man sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. His elbows were resting on his knees and his head in his hands. There was a stack of papers on the floor, that looked familiar but you couldn't put your finger on what they were. You pulled the blanket from the bed up to cover your body, suddenly feeling shy.

"Filip", you called out softly, in an attempt to get his attention. His head quickly shot up out of his hands and he looked over at you. You could tell he had been in the midst of some serious thought but before you could ask him about it, he was standing up and walking towards you. He sat down on the bed beside you and brushed his hand through your hair, tucking a stray piece behind your ear. There was a multitude of emotions behind his tired eyes and you lifted your hand to caress his cheek, attempting to bring him some level of comfort.

"I'm sorry I chased you out of bed darling. I wasn't snoring was I?", you asked him, wanting to know what it was that was troubling the man.

"Not at all love, you slept like an angel", he responded, offering you a sad smile as his hand dropped from your face and moved to your lap, grabbing hold of one of your hands.

"Then what's wrong Filip? Something's clearly troubling you.", you pried, scooting closer towards him. He looked down at his hands as if he was trying to figure out exactly what it was he wanted to say before taking a deep shuddering breath.

"Well love", he began looking up into your eyes, "I did some reading last night, learned some things, and now I've got some questions, a lot of questions actually".

"Questions, what do you mean by questions?", you replied nervously, trying to pull up the blanket around you even further as if the fabric could protect you and your secrets.

"I guess I'll start with my main question, what I've been wondering for a long time actually. Why did you stop coming around? What happened 3 years ago that took you away from me?", he asked you, questions falling out one after the other.

"You know how it is Filip", you offer, voice shaking with trepidation, "Things got complicated. Couldn't risk it."

"That's bullshit love and we both know it", Filip countered, "Seeing each other was always a risk, but one we were willing to take. Now come on, (Y/N), tell me the truth. Enough with all these fuckin' secrets lass". He was clearly getting frustrated, understandably, so, but you couldn't tell him. You'd been conditioned to keep this secret no matter what and you weren't about to break that vow now. You pulled your legs up and wrapped your arms around them, refusing to meet Chibs' eye.

"Please love, just tell me", he implored placing a hand on your covered knee and caressing it through the fabric, "You don't have to keep these secrets anymore, not from me". Tears started welling up in your eyes, and you shook your head back and forth. No, you couldn't tell him. You couldn't put the both of them at risk.

"I need to know (Y/N). I haven't pushed the matter cause a' all that's happened to ye but you need to tell me now. Why did you stop smoking three years ago, around the same time ye stopped coming round? Where did that long scar come from? Why won't you just tell me?", he continued ardently, letting you know that he wanted, no needed an answer this time. You were quickly becoming overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, and you stood up from the bed with the sheet still wrapped around you and stumbled across the room and into the bathroom. The second you closed the door, you locked it before turning around with your back against the door.

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