Chapter 8

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*Events that happened in the past are italicized


Much to Jason's annoyance, the hospital was your home for the next 48 hours. The doctors insisted on making sure that both you and the baby were stable before even discussing your discharge. The doctors could clearly tell that you were in some sort of difficult situation. They tried every tactic they could to try to get through to you but even when they managed to get Jason out of the room for a moment your story didn't change and you repeated your request to go home with your husband. After they realized that you weren't budging, your doctors agreed that as long as you remained stable overnight, that you would be allowed to go home in the morning. 

Aside from the overnight nurses poking their heads in to check on you and your husband snoring away in the corner, you were alone with your thoughts. Your hand subconsciously rested on your stomach even though there wasn't even a hint of a bump present yet. While you had only known about your child's existence for the last 48 hours, you already knew in that moment that you would do absolutely anything for the baby growing inside of you. 

While you were supposed to be "resting" according to your doctors, you had barely slept a wink since the moment you found out that you were going to be a mother, a burden you never imagined yourself carrying. A burden made even more difficult due to the line of work your family was in.

Another fleeting thought came to mind, regarding the paternity of your child. You felt a flutter in your stomach at the thought of Filip being the father of the little one growing inside of you but that was a dangerous thought, a forbidden thought, so you pushed it aside the best you could. You were brought out of your inner turmoil by a sound from across the room. Jason had awoken and  in a daze, dragged his tired feet across the floor before shutting the bathroom door behind him. A few minutes later he emerged. Seeing that you were awake he grunted a greeting to you before returning to his chair in the corner and resting his head against the back of the seat.

"We need to talk about this Jason", you began timidly, not wanting to have this conversation but knowing that it needed to happen sooner rather than later. Your husband groaned and leaned forward, placing his head in his hands before looking up at you with a look of total disinterest.

"What is there to talk about (Y/N)? You're having a kid.", he replied between yawns while shifting in his seat, attempting to get comfortable.

"Are you kidding me Jason?", you ask, annoyed at his nonchalant attitude, "You do realize everything is going to change right?".

"Shit (Y/N), do you think I don't know that? It's just going to be another thing that I'm going to have to deal with", he retorted.

It took everything in you not to chew him out right there. Besides getting high and selling drugs, Jason literally did nothing and you weren't under the assumption that he would be much help with the baby, not that you wanted him anywhere near the child anyway. You settled instead for shooting daggers at him with your eyes as his head lolled back. Knowing that once he was passed out, you wouldn't be able to talk to him again for hours, you quickly got back on track.

"I'm not doing any more drug runs, at least not while I'm pregnant", you stated calmly and authoritatively. This stirred Jason from his stupor and he gave you a cutting look before rolling his eyes.

"You know as well as I do that neither of us have any say over that (Y/N). Nice try though.", he chuckled grimly to himself, shaking his head as just the thought of crossing Jerry or your father was terrifying, even to him.

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