Chapter 7

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*Events that happened in the past will be italicized 


After confirming that none of the guys you knew were out in the hallway, you started walking down the hall, making your way towards the doors to exit at the front of the building. You pulled the hood up even tighter around your head, wanting to make sure that your face could not be seen by the people in the main room. As you ventured out into the crowd, you were thankful that there were still so many people around. The room was teeming with activity so you did not seem to draw any attention as you made your way through the crowd. You almost made it to the door without incident when you bumped into a small blonde woman. She smiled up at you genuinely, albeit with some confusion as you were a person she didn't recognize.

"Hi, I'm Lyla.", she introduced herself, "You are?". You cursed your shit luck, wishing this girl would just leave you alone but also not wanting to draw attention to yourself. You put on a fake smile and stuck out your hand to shake hers.

"Name's (Y/N).", you replied, "Just an old friend visiting town when all this shit went down." After shaking, you crossed your arms and lightly rocked back and forth, anxious for this conversation to be over. Lyla smiled back at you, still a little suspicious as you were acting jumpy but she decided to not push the subject, figuring maybe you were just going stir crazy.

"Well, Gemma has me checking in with everyone to see how they're doing. Is there anything I can get you?", she asked kindly. You shook your head quickly and stepped to the side, attempting to distance yourself from the young woman.

"No, I'm doing alright, just headed outside for a smoke", you answered her and began walking away.

"Alright well, it was nice meeting you. I'm sure I'll see you around.", Lyla called out as you walked away. You turned around and smiled at her before continuing across the room and walking out the door. What you didn't know was that as soon as you had walked out the door, Lyla had quickly walked off to find Gemma, to ask her about the strange woman she had just met.


You took a deep breath of fresh air as you walked out the door. Well, scratch that, not fresh air, but air filled with cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes but you would take it because it meant that you had made it out of the clubhouse. Now you just had to find a way to make it across the lot and out the gate without drawing the attention of any of the men keeping watch. Shoving your hands into the pockets of Filip's jacket that you were now wearing, you found an old pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You lit one up and placed it to your lips, stifling a cough as you hadn't smoked since the day you found out you were pregnant. Attempting to look as casual as possible, you smoked your cigarette and walked throughout the yard, attempting to find some way off of the property.You were deep in thought, attempting to figure out your next step, so deep in thought that you didn't hear the voice coming from behind you. However, the second time you heard clearly.

"I thought you quit smoking (Y/N)", the familiar voice of Gemma Teller-Morrow called out to you. You stayed with your back facing the woman, trying to figure out how the hell you were going to get out of here now. Gemma, not being one to back down, didn't accept your non-response and stepped around your body so the two of you were now standing face to face. She crossed her arms and eyed you suspiciously.

"What's going on sweetheart? Just yesterday you told me you quit smoking.", Gemma questioned you, "And what's with this hood and jacket? It's 60 degrees outside." Gemma reached up and pulled the hood down off of your head, allowing her to clearly see your face which still showed the telltale signs of how much you had been crying earlier on.

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