Take Me Home Part 10

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Groaning, you felt yourself regaining consciousness, growing frustrated with the sound of the beeping that was causing your massive headache to pound even harder. The slight noise you made was enough to alert Filip who was sitting directly beside you.

As you opened your eyes, his face was the first thing you saw and you could immediately tell that he hadn't moved from that chair since, well you weren't actually sure how many days it had been. However, Filip was obviously disheveled and lacking sleep.

Tired as he may be, that didn't stop him from quickly attending to your every need. There was a water jug sitting on the bedside table, from which he poured you a glass and raising it to your lips. You gratefully sipped at the water before weakly waving your hand, signaling that you were done.

You attempted to sit up but ultimately decided against it as the pain in your body roared. Filip winced as he could see how much pain you were in and relief washed over his face when you finally decided to stay lying down.

"How long have I been out?", you asked quietly, still feeling slightly dazed from the whole experience.

"About a day and a half", Filip responded worriedly, his hand reaching out to grasp onto yours. You held onto him, absentmindedly rubbing circles on the back of his hand. Before you had a chance to stop him, he had pressed the nurse call button.

"Filip, come on", you whined, wanting to be alone with him rather than surrounded by doctors.

"I'm sorry love", he responded apologetically, "The doctors need to know you're awake so they can come check that everything is okay". There was not much time to explain as moments later a nurse quickly entered the room, taking your vitals and saying she was going to alert the doctor. Thankfully it seemed to be Dr. Knowles again. The fewer people involved in your drama the better.

"How are you feeling?", she asked as she walked over and looked at your chart.

You responded softly, "Like I got hit by a bus. What happened?"

"Internal bleeding. You had a ruptured spleen which must have caused it. You'll be ok, but we had to remove the spleen to stop the bleeding. This means you'll be staying right here in this hospital bed for quite some time", she informed you with a serious tone to her voice.

"No arguments lass. The doc and I agree on this one. This hospital bed has your name on it until you get the all-clear from the doctor", Filip interjected before you could offer your opinion.

"I'm not arguing with anyone this time okay", you replied sadly, resigning to the fact that you were in no shape to continue your mission at the moment.


After going over your condition with you the doctor left the two of you alone, sensing that you wanted some alone time. Filip talked to you for a while, simple small talk to fill the silence until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Lass, talk to me, please", he implored.

"I've failed Filip. I've fucked it all up.", you lamented, choking out a sob before turning away from him.

"What exactly have you failed if I may ask?", Chibs questioned, thoroughly confused now.

"How on earth am I supposed to save our son if I can't even get out of this fucking bed?", you cried, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a ball but your body was in far too much pain to move.

"Love, look at me", he pleaded while bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a kiss upon it.

With tears streaming down your cheeks, you turned to look at him. Through your tears you saw a mix of emotions on his face. There was sadness but there was also anger.

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