When you go into labor and Leon gets you into the infirmary and you give birth

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You and Leon are in the living room and you were laying on the couch. You were 9 months pregnant and you were close to birth. You and Leon were watching TV together. You feel something wet go down your legs and you feel pain in your stomach and you say "Leon!" Leon says "Babe what's up?" You say "It's time." Leon stands up and picks you up bridal style and walks to the door and opens it and walks out. Leon closes the door and starts running to the infirmary. You see Chris, Claire, and Piers on the way and you groan in pain. Chris says "What's going on?" Leon says "She is going into labor." Chris, Claire, and Piers's eyes widened and they start to follow you and Leon. Leon makes it to the infirmary and takes you in and Leon says "Chris, Claire, Piers you might want to wait out here." Chris, Claire, and Piers nodded and stays out of the room. A doctor walks in and says "What's wrong?" Leon says "She is in labor." A doctor says "Get her a gurney quick." Leon sets you on a gurney and takes off your pants and covers you with a blanket and holds your hand and you hold his hand back. You say "We need to do this Leon." Leon cups your cheek and says "I know." A doctor walks in and says "Are you ready?" You nodded. The doctor says "Now push." You scream and push and you hold Leon's hand hard. Leon says "It will be okay." The doctor says "Now push." You scream and push and you hold Leon's hand hard. The doctor says "One last Push." You scream and push and you hold Leon's hand hard. You hear a baby cry and you see it is your baby girl. You say "Leah." Leon says "That's the name you picked?" You say "Yeah." You feel another sharp pain and you scream. The doctor wraps up Leah and hands her to Leon and Leon holds her. The doctor says "Push." You scream and push and you hold Leon's hand hard. The doctor says "You are almost done." You scream and push and you hold Leon's hand hard. The doctor says "One more push." You say "I can't." Leon looks into your eyes and sees fear in your eyes and says "You will be okay and do this for our baby boy." You nodded and you scream and push and you hold Leon's hand hard. You hear another baby cry and you see your baby boy. Leon says "James." You say "I like that name." Leon hands you Leah and you hold Leah. The doctor wraps up James and hands him to Leon and Leon holds James. You say "Can you get Claire, Chris, and Piers?" The doctor says "Yeah." The doctor walks out of the room and gets Chris, Claire, and Piers. You see Chris, Claire, and Piers and you say "Hey guys." Claire walks over to you and looks at Leah and says "She is so cute." You say "Her name is Leah and yes she is cute." Leon says "The boys name is James." You say "Do you want to hold Leah Claire?" Claire says "Sure." You hand Leah to Claire and Claire holds Leah. Claire sees Leah open her eyes and she says "Oh my god she has your eyes (Y/N)." You yawn because of exhaustion of giving birth. Leon says "Get some rest babe." You say "Ok. I love you." Leon says "I love you too." You close your eyes and you soon go to sleep.

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