When you get injected with the T-Virus

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You and Leon were still in the infirmary and Leon never left your side. You hear the door open and you look and you see Chris and Claire. You say "Chris, Claire." Chris says "Sis we got the T-Virus sis." You and Leon says "Oh thank god." Chris walks over to you and holds out the T-Virus and injects it into you. You start getting your strength back and you sit up. You hold Leon's hand tightly and Leon says "Her strengths back." You smile, Claire smiles, Chris smiles, and Leon smiles. You say "I am so glad to have my powers back even my strength." You stand up and you walk around and you use your powers and speed walk around the room. You say "They are back." Chris and Claire says "We have our badass sister back." Leon stands up and walks over to you and hugs you and you hug him back. Leon says "I am glad you have your powers back." You say "Me too." You were so glad you had your powers back and you couldn't wait to go back to your room.

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