Falling in Love

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🖕🏼My P.o.v🚬

My name is Willow but you can call me Wild. I'm a greaser and I'm proud. I'm quite tuff for a girl greaser. I have nobody but my mom. I have no group or friends. I'm a loner but sometime being lonely sucks. Me and my mom move to Tulsa,Oklahoma when my Dad left us because he cheated. I never liked my dad for a good reason.

He always wanted me dead. He would hit me and tell me how much of a mistake I was or he would get in fights with my mom. I love my mom and if anything happens I would lose it. I woke up and went downstairs to see what my mom was up to. "Hey mom good morning." I walked to her and give her a hug."Good morning sweetheart how was your sleep." She ask sweetly." It's was alright nuthing special." I grab me a snack." Hey sweetie I thought is was a good idea for you to go out make some friends or look around the town." She sounded nervous.

Maybe I should make some friends. I won't be alone anymore but I'm afraid to make friends. Ah what the heck it wouldn't hurt to go out plus I wanna make mom happy. I smiled at my thought."Sure mom I will just let me get dress." I saw her smiled and that made me happy. I ran upstairs and got dress.

I kinda went a little out but I don't care

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I kinda went a little out but I don't care.I went to the bathroom and put some makeup on aka lipstick. I also brushed my hair I didn't need to put it up because it is short. I grab my switchblade and my skateboard which I stole.

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I went downstairs and was about to leave but my mom caught me

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I went downstairs and was about to leave but my mom caught me." Wait here's 20$ just in case if you get hungry." She said, god I love her." Thanks mom your the best." I give her a hug and before I pull away I kissed her on the cheek." No problem hun now you be careful ok." She gives me a serious look." Of course mom I'm tuff." I laughed." Ok miss tuff you can go." As soon as she said that I ran out the door. I started to run then drop my skateboard and started skating. As I was staking and I heard yelled. I get closer to the yelling and I see two boys getting beat up by Socs.

God I hate them. Without thinking I yelled." HEY!" They looked my way."Leave them alone useless you want to get hurt." They started laughing." What are you going to doll." 5 of them where coming my way." You really want to find out." I grind my teeth together."Oh my my I'm scared ha your not go to do anything." He put his hand on my shoulder. I grab his arm and twist his arm. He screamed in pain. One of his buddies was coming at me. I pushed the guy into his friend. Another on tried to punch my but I dodge it and punched him in the gut. Before any of them could come after me I putted out my switchblade. They backed up."What was you saying." They stayed quiet."That what I thought now get out of here." They ran to their cars and drove off. I turned to look at the two boys."Are you guys ok." I nod there head."yeah thanks to you. How did you learn how to do that." I laughed on how amazed he was."I taught myself." There was silence."Are you new here." He wonder." Yes I am um my name is Wild and I'm 16." He smiled at my name."I like your name it's unique. By the way I'm pony boy and his Johnny." I give them a warm smile." Nice to meet you both.""Do you have anything to do." He was scared for the answer."No why.""You want to go to my house you can met my group." I got excited. I can finally make friends." Sure I would love to." I smiled and with that we started waking.

Skip time

We got to his house. He open the door and immediately there was a bunch of noise. There was a bunch of boys play fighting." GUYS WE HAVE A NEW FRIEND TO SHOW YOU GUYS." He yelled on the top of his lungs. They stop play fighting and looked at us." H-hi my name is Wild ni-ice to meet you." Why am I stuttering." Hey wild I'm soda Pony's brother." I gave him a warm smile." That's Two-bit and Steve." He pointed at the two who was watching Mickey Mouse and eating chocolate cake. If that's not a mood I don't know what it.

"That is Darry his me and pony's older brother." I waved at him and he waved."Last but not least the bad boy Dallas but you can call him Dally." Dally turned his head and looked at me.

🚬Dally's P.o.v🚬

I heard my name so I turned around. I saw the most beautiful broad I ever seen. I didn't know I was staring until she said something." Hi I'm wild nice to meet you." She smiled. God her voice and her smile is like an angel smiled." Hey doll." She blushed and gave my a smile that made me warm inside." She saved me and Johnny from a group of socs." I was shocked when he said that. I looked around and saw the other guys looked shocked too. A pretty innocent broad beating up someone I couldn't believe it."Your joking right." I couldn't believe I angel like her could beat you a group of socs."Hi-his not ly-lying I was there. She beat them up and made them run away." Johnny spoke up. I looked at her and she was blushing. God she so pretty. I had an idea."Hey guys we should go to the movies." The group thought about it."Yeah sure Wild you want to join." Soda ask her. I looked at her with puppy eyes. She giggled at me and nod." Yeah I will come along. What time."

🖕🏼My P.o.v🚬

"Hey guys we should go to the movies." The group thought about it."Yeah sure Wild you want to join." Soda ask me. Dally looked at me with puppy eyes. I giggled at him and nod." Yeah I will come along. What time."" Um 6:30." Dally smiled and of course I smiled back."Well I will see you at 6:30." I was about to leave someone stopped me."You need someone to walk you home." It's was Dally."Um sure do you want to come." He nod and I had to smile. We started to walk out the door to head to my house.

Skip Time

We finally made it to my house. As we walk to my door I turn around to face Dally."Thanks for walking me home." He started laughing."No problem, the last thing I want is for you to get hurt." We stared into each other eyes."Well I gotta get going doll." He rubs the back of his neck."Ok I will see you tomorrow.""You'll see me tomorrow doll." I waved as he walked off. He waved back and left. I open the door then closed. I leaned against the door and smiled. All I could think about was Dallas Winston. Man I think I have.....

Falling in love...

 In love with a bad boy🚬🔪   (Dallas Winston Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now