Fight Night~Abigail x Reader

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After the long summer day of harvesting and replaying, I started making my way down from the saloon to the graveyard. I had a bag of cookies, that were very chewy, that I was munching on while admiring the starry sky. Once I made it down there I saw Abigail already waiting for me.

"Hiya Amethyst," I greeted her as I stepped into the graveyard. She grinned and ran up to hug me.

"Hi (Y/N)!" She let me out of the hug before setting down her lamp on the ground, "Are you ready to get started?"

I nodded and ate the rest of my cookies after I gave one to her. I grabbed my sword that I found in the mines as she unsheathed her makeshift sword that was surprisingly durable. We started our fighting session with a fast paced fight.

"Parry, parry, right strike. Of course, if you wanted to do more damage you could just stab them in the heart or slice off their head."

Abigail nodded as she continued practicing her swing against me. Every night, we have a fighting session, so Abigail can explore the caves one day. Granted, I learned all of this from my drama teacher back when I was twelve. I can't remember the whole lesson, but I use them for the caves. Except I'm actually hurting things. I'm honestly surprised I'm still alive. I've honestly gotten so close to dying way too many times.

"Will I ever be able to go into the caves? I think I'm plenty ready," Abigail whined at me. I rolled my eyes and gave her the same response I always give her.

"Abigail, you know why you can't go to the caves," I sighed and went on with my lecture, "First of all, you're parents are very against you doing stuff like this. I'm not even supposed to be teaching you this! And secondly, I would never forgive myself if something were to ever happen to you."

She stopped swinging her sword in the air and looked at me, "I know, but I can handle myself now! You've seen how much I have improved and with you down there with me, having my back, I'm sure I'd be okay!"

"I'm not willing to take any chances Abigail. That is my final decision," I raised my voice at her hoping she would back off.

She stared at me in silence before picking up her sword and pointing it at me. "Fine then. Let's say we wager. If I beat you in a swordfight, then you have to take me to the caves with you."

"And if you don't?"

She downcasted her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching downwards for a split second, "Then if I lose, you'll... you'll never have to teach me swordfighting again."

I thought it over for a bit, then grinned. "Deal." I stuck out my hand and we shook on it.

We unsheathed our swords and I lounged at her. Abigail blocked with her sword, then kicked me in the stomach. I grunted as I took a step backwards, trying to keep my balance. Damn those boots. I regained my balance and lightly sliced her thigh. Abigail hissed while dropping her sword and holding her thigh. I went to hit her back, but she rolled out of the way. I ran at with my sword and tried slicing at her, but she rolled away again and kicked me in the legs. After she turned me around, she punched me in the nose, making me trip and fall over one of the gravestones. I dropped my sword as Abigail stepped around the gravestone and stabbed her sword next to my face. She stepped her foot onto my stomach as I chuckled and put my hands up in surrender.

"Alright, you win," I smiled up at her, "I'll take you with me to the caves tomorrow."

Her face lit up and she danced around screaming yes into the starry sky. I sat up and grinned at her. She looked towards me and ran up to me, shouting in happiness. Abigail sat down next to me, but then gasped.

"Your nose is bleeding," Abigail shouted. I placed my hand on my nose and brought it to the lamp that was next to me. Sure enough there was blood. A considerable amount too.

"Huh. You really did a number on me," I chuckled. Abigail didn't laugh with me and started freaking out while apologizing. I started laughing even harder as I tried moving my legs off of the gravestone. Abigail helped me stand up and put my arm around her.

"I'm taking you home," Abigail sighed while walking me back towards the farm.

"No! You're bleeding from your thigh," I shouted at her, "I only have a nose bleed, I'll be fine!"

She sighed before setting both of us down. I grabbed my bag and pulled out some tissues and a bandaid. I shoved the tissues up my nose before placing the bandaid on the cut.

"Alright, it's covered. Can I take you home now," she sighed. I pouted as she dragged me through the town.

Once we got back to my farm, we stood on my front porch.

"So, are you really gonna take me to the caves tomorrow," Abigail asked me

"Yeah, duh," I grinned at her, "I've always wanted to go on a date with you."

She stayed silent for a bit after that. She might be blushing, but it's too dark to see anything.

"Uh, huh? It's a date," Abigail stuttered as she asked.

"Why wouldn't it be," I asked her. She spewed out a mess of words before I gently placed my finger on her lips to stop her from talking. I chuckled and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight Amethyst," I winked at her before turning to my door. She grabbed my arm and turned me around before standing on her toes and pressing her lips onto mine. I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up against me. She held my face as I licked her lips. She parted her mouth and I snuck my tongue in. Mmm she tasted like cobbler pie and cookies. We stayed like that for a bit before we heard the sounds of an angry Pierre.

"Abigail! You better not be fighting (Y/N) again!"

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry," I apologized to her.

"It's alright. I'll just sneak around him," she winked at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight," I whispered to her as she crept into the darkness. Pierre ran up to me and asked me all sorts of questions about Abigail.

After this mess, tomorrow better be the most fun I've had in years.

IM SORRY FOR GETTING THIS UP SO LATE. I had to do an English project and then I procrastinated a lot! Then my friend facetimed me and I can't multitask. Also, I'm sorry that this is so short! If I get the time I'll add some stuff to make it longer. Have a nice morning, day and night!

Update: Alright, I fixed it because I can't sleep. I hope this is a little bit better. I'm so stressed over homework and projects, plus opening night for my musical is this Friday! I'm excited, but scared. And the word for that is frisson! So that's a new word for your dictionaries. Okay I'm going to bed. I love you all!


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