Sam x Blind!Reader

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this was requested by @Ookamitotoroki i hope you enjoy it!

Being apart of the traveling merchant really lets you see the world without really 'seeing' it. When I was younger, all of my friends and family members would always say stuff like "It sucks to be you!" or "Wow, I could never imagine going through the world without being able to see it!" Stuff like that.

I mean, I got used to it. I kinda just laughed it off. My aunt, Terri, was the only one who was cool about it. She'd describe the things she'd seen while smuggling things from all over the place. She's been to Zuzu City, Castle Village, Grampleton and so many other places. She's even brought me on her boat so we could visit the Feen Islands!

But, my favorite story from her are the ones in Stardew Valley. She made it sound like this peaceful place where everyone just got along. And not many people live there. It sounded amazing. I always begged her to take me with her, saying I could use my blindness to distract people, then she could steal their stuff. Of course she refused every time, but it did make her chuckle.

When I turned eighteen, she offered to take me along with her on her traveling cart. I said yes, obviously. And there was the start of my new life as apprentice merchant! Auntie Terri describes every thing she can to me while we're on the road. Our pig, I call him Fector, is really cute, too. Honestly, one of my favorite parts of this cart.

"Hello?" A voice pulls me from my narrative thoughts.

I shake my head and respond, "Sorry about that! What can I do for you?"

"Don't worry about it! Got any rare seeds?" They ask. I feel their fingers tapping on the wood in front of me. Sounds like the farmer is back. They're really nice. They feed Fector whenever they come by.

"You bet we do! That'll be 2500 g!" Aunt Terri appears next to me, dropping a bag next to my hand.

The farmer hums while a bag rattles, filled with g. Coins fall onto the board with a clink. "Do you ever wonder why they call it g?" A new, yet familiar, voice starts speaking. "If it stood for gold, we could just make our own money, right? Isn't there a bunch of gold in the mines?"

I giggle, "Sam's back at it again with his theories." Aunt Terri's raspy laugh books inside the cart as she collects the g from the farmer. Sam chuckles, too, but I think it's because of Auntie.

"I'm just saying," Sam laughs. He goes serious, though, then asks the question he does every time we visit. "Got anything from my dad?"

I shake my head, frowning. Aunt Terri sighs, "Sorry, kid. We looked every where for him. But, we'll keep looking. Maybe, he'll turn up." I lay my hand out, hoping that he'll catch my drift and hold it. Hesitantly, I feel a heavy hand in the palm of mine. I squeeze his hand, trying to be reassuring.

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot that you're looking for him. Even if you can't find it. Thank you for trying," Sam's voice sounds way sadder from his chill and rocker persona.

It goes quiet for awhile, a lull striking our conversation. The farmer taps his fingers along the boards. Then, Sam yelps and Aunt Terri chuckles.

"What happened?" I ask, tilting my head.

Everything goes quiet again, except for the occasional cricket nearby. Eventually, Sam speaks up, "Do you guys want to go to the beach with us? It's really nice in the summer."

"Sorry, kid. I gotta watch over the cart," Terri says. She nudges my shoulder, "You can go, though. The sound of the waves crashing are very peaceful."

"Me? You mean it?" I ask, feeling hopeful. Sam talks about the beach a lot. Whenever I ask him about his day, he was at the beach with Vincent, or thinking about being at the beach with Vincent. He really likes it. Also this cart can get kind of stuffy at times.

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