Cuts and Bruises~Maru x reader

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Shit, shit, shit, shit! It's 1:30 and I'm injured as shit.

I limped out of the cave and across the bridge, going near Linus's hut and behind the carpentry shop. I tried keeping my grunts of pain to a minimum, but a few slipped out.

"Hello? Is someone there?"

I whipped around and saw Maru. I stopped limping and stood still, hoping she would just leave if she didn't see me.



She started walking towards me then gasped when she saw the condition I was in. Blood seeping through my dirt covered overalls, gaping holes in my boots and even more blood dripping down my face.

"Are you alright? What happened," Maru asked as she lightly grab my arm and placed it around her and walked me to her house.

"Oh no, don't do that. You'll get blood all over yourself," I pouted. Her shirt was getting ruined.

"I'll be fine. I can wash it. I'm going to patch you up, alright," she asked. I sloppily nodded my head.

Once we made it to her house, she sat me down on her bed. She grabbed her first aid kit and a damp cloth while I took off my tundra boots. Maru rolled up the bottom of my pants and started dabbing the wounds with the cloth.

"I'll have to call Doctor Harvey to stitch these up, but for now I'll bandage them to stop you from bleeding as much," Maru explained while cleaning up the wounds on my calves. I nodded while staring down at her. I currently felt like passing out, but that's no big deal. Right?

"What even did this? The slimes don't have anything to cut you." Maru furrowed her eyebrows as she rapped up my ankles with some bandages. She dipped the cloth in her bucket of water and squeezed the water out of the cloth. She left it in there before grabbing the roll of bandages.

"It was the cave crab thingys," I grinned and placed my hand on the back of my neck where there was more blood. Dang, I got really messed up down there.

She sighed, "You need to be more careful down there. You could've been seriously hurt." She moved onto my head and repeated what she did to my legs.

"Whatever is down there can't damage me more than I already am," I retorted.

She rolled her eyes and bandaged my head, "Not funny, (Y/N)."

"Just tryna lighten up the mood," I smiled again. Maru pushed up her glasses before working on the wounds on my torso.

"Is it alright if I take off your shirt," she asked while checking out the blood stains on my grimy overalls.

"Shouldn't you take me to dinner first?" Maru huffed making me laugh. I took off the straps of my overalls and pushed them down to my waist before taking off my shirt. Maru quickly started dabbing the cloth onto the long cuts that ran across my side and my stomach.

"There are so many faded ones. Why haven't you gotten medical attention," Maru asked while get slightly more worried.

"Couldn't pay for it. I wanted to pay off the community center first," I shrugged and looked outside of her window. Maru frowned at my answer.

"You could spare a few gold for your own health. It's important to look after yourself."

"I guess."

Maru sighed before wrapping up the cuts. During the wait for Harvey, the room was quiet. Maru and I didn't speak to each other or even look at each other.

Finally, Doctor Harvey arrived and undid the bandages to start sewing the cuts up.

"I'm glad you called me, Maru. These cuts were very deep and you lost a lot of blood," Harvey informed us once he was finished. "Please come and see me tomorrow. I need to see just how much blood you lost."

I nodded and put on my shirt. Demetrius allowed me to borrow his pajamas because of how torn up my overalls were. They were also really uncomfortable to sleep in, but I don't think they cared about that. It was super late, so Maru made me sleep in her room. After a bit of arguing, I finally gave up and went to bed on the floor next to her bed.

The next morning I was woken up to the sound of mechanical whirs and tinkering. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and was met by Maru in the process of building her new creation.

"Morning Maru." Maru whipped around and smiled at my sleepy figure.

"Glad you finally woke up," she grinned before going back to her tiny machine, "I asked Robin to help me patch up your boots and overalls." I yawned as I scooted behind her and slid my arms around her waist from behind.

Maru tensed up before asking, "what are you doing?"

"Thank you and could you thank your mom for me? I also never properly thanked you for patching me up so well last night. You're right I should take care of myself more when I'm injured," I sighed and squeezed her a tiny bit. I rested my head on the nook of her shoulder.

I felt her relax and turn around to face me. She had a big grin on her face before me, my lips blossoming like a flower at the touch of her soft lips. My eyes grew big, but then I shut them close and kissed back. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling herself closer. She played with my tangled hair as I squeezed her sides. She was so tiny and adorable. When we pulled away, we were both breathing very heavily. She took off her glass to clean the fog off of them.

"You really shouldn't have done that," I started, "my morning breath is bad." Maru giggled making me chuckle as well.

"You could barely tell it tasted bad," Maru said while giggling. I smiled and looked at the time. It was 10 AM. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. Or I just woke up really late. Dang, now my sleep schedule is gonna be all sorts of messed up.

"Oh crap, it's really late. I need to get back and water the crops." I stood up and started gathering my things.

"Wait," Maru said softly. "You need to go to Harvey's first."

I sighed as I put on my backpack, "I thought you would forget. I'll go over there and then head to the farm. Happy?"

Maru grinned and nodded. After standing she replied verbally, "Very. Promise me you'll come back?"

I turned to look at her and smiled, "It's a small town, I couldn't miss you. Plus, I enjoyed myself. I promise I'll come see you again." With a small peck on the lips I left Maru and stepped out of her bedroom. I walked out of her house and gave her one last wave through the window before heading towards Harvey's clinic.

I definitely kept that promise. Also, the doctor's appointment sucked. But Maru gave me a nice little surprise visit after I got the stitches.

Hiya everyone! Sorry if there are a bunch of typos. I didn't write this one super late, but I was very tired from all the food I ate and I was distracted by Shrek the Musical. If you've listened to it, what's your favorite song? Mines is Gotta Make a Move.


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