One Soul at a Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus. Uncle Rick does.

I was greeted by darkness and silence. I guess living underground can feel a little isolating. No windows and no outside noise either.

I stood up, feelings perfectly fine, which was a surprise. As a demigod I didn't get tired easily, but after yesterday's training, I was expecting some soreness. Instead, I felt completely rejuvenated.

I could get used to waking up like this every morning.

First thing I did when I got out of bed was hid my wings, the condo-style crypt was spacious, but the large wings were still in the way.

I got ready for the day, taking a shower and all that jazz. I just put a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt on, and when I stepped out of the bathroom I saw Thanatos waiting for me.

"Not to be rude, Lord Thanatos, but do you always show up unannounced to people's homes?"

"Ah, well, I don't tend to get much interaction with the living, and while you're not exactly dead or alive, it's still something. Although usually my angels are my children, and they're just grateful that they get to see their dad on a daily basis. Also, you don't need to use titles with me, and I prefer you didn't say my name all the time."


"Yeah, that'll work. It's technically true anyways. More importantly, today's your first day! I'm afraid I cannot roll out a staff party, given our current lack of employees, but I hope these gifts will serve as compensation." As Thanatos, literally the personification of death, said cheerfully, black flames burst out from both of his hands.

Of course they gave off no heat, instead I felt a slight chill emitting from them. When they died down, Thanatos was holding something in each hand.

On his right, a scythe, in his left, a black robe. "You've got be kidding me, right?"

"What?" Thanatos questioned slowly as he looked back and forth between the two items, checking for signs of imperfection.

"It's a little cliche, don't you think? A black robe and a scythe?"

"No it's not, it's totally original?" Thanatos proclaimed, sounding slightly insulted.

"How so, every portrayal or death in almost any movie, book, or any other reference, is pretty much the same?"

"Yeah well, where do you think everyone got the idea from? From me, that's who. This is original because I'm the one who came up with it first. Now, quit your complaining and try it on for size. It's traditional, so you're not getting around this.

"Whatever..." I threw my hands up just to let them drop and hit my side. A sigh of frustration later and I had pulled the robe over my current attire.

Surprisingly, it wasn't uncomfortable. I had expected the robe to restrict my movements, but instead it felt lightweight and smooth, like silk, but appeared tough and rigid, like canvas.

I did some stretches to test out how well I could move in the robe, all the while Thanatos watched in boredom as if he's seen this exact scene many times before.

"Well, now for the scythe. As you can see, it is made from Stygian Iron. I understand that before you would have likely not been able to wield such a weapon, but now you should have no problem with weapons of this material."

Thanatos stretches out his hand putting the scythe right in front of me. The unsettling feeling that I would often get from just a glance at Nico's sword wasn't there.

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