The Chamber of Masters

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus. Uncle Rick does.

I had to resist my body's natural urge to sigh.

Thanatos was not like the other gods that wasted their breath with dramatics. If he said my day was about to get longer, he really meant it.

"Of course, I do mean that figuratively, but also quite literally." He explained further as he took as seat on the couch and pointed towards the sofa for me to sit on.

"You see Percy, your recruitment was quite unorthodox. For multiple reasons. I've mentioned how in the past I've only recruited my children. Well, I've also only ever recruited them while they were still alive. More importantly, the recruitment was much longer. They first had to accept to devote their lives by signing the same contract that you did, but before they could be considered full fledged angels, they needed to go through the ancestral trials."

"So I'll go through the trials, what's the big deal?"

"The 'big deal,' Percy, is that these trials tend to take decades in order to complete. Of course it is in a certain place within the underworld where time moves much slower. So while some angels have spent a little over a decade, not even a week has passed in the mortal realm."

"Okay, well, I'll complete these trials as fast as possible and be out in less than a week then. I don't see how it's such a big deal, it's not like I'd be leaving much of a life behind."

"Again, let me stress that they tend to take decades to complete. In your case, things might not be so quick. Even if for some reason your affinity with your powers rivals that of my children, which is unlikely, the ancestral trials are conducted by, well, ancestors of the angels. Each trial is overseen by a angel that is considered legendary among you, and well, when they heard that they would have to test a child that wasn't their brethren, they weren't so happy. They actually promised to do everything in their power to stop you from completing their trials."

"What happens if I'm not able to complete the trials? Does that mean that the deals off and I go to the judgement line with all the other souls?"

"It's not that easy. Once a candidate enters the Chamber of Masters, which is the place where the trials are held, you cannot leave until you have passed all trials."

I may be dense, but even I can connect the dots that Thanatos laid out for me. If I can't leave the chamber until I pass all the trials, and the masters are intent on never letting me pass, that means that I would be stuck there for eternity.

"That's not good."

"Indeed, I believe your generation refers to these sort of situations as, a load of shit. Well, there's much shit in this load. It's okay though, they can't make it impossible for you to pass, nor can they interfere with your performance in any way, the only thing they can do is make the trail more difficult. Not to say that this will be a breeze for you, but you're much more skilled than anyone else to have entered the trial, and so I'm sure you'll get out, eventually."

I knew Thanatos was trying to be reassuring, but the fact that he was told me that I should be worried about it if he's worried enough to try and make me not worry.

I took a deep breath, and it felt heavy. Like my body was suddenly filled with the heaviest air possible.

This was the feeling of dread that accompanied every battle formation I've been in. In those moments before immense danger, this feeling would really crush my entire body down.

I could feel my hands warming up, and I felt my pores opening up as my body began to sweat in nervousness. I know usually I portray the useful and dependable leader role, but most of the time I was trying my best to prevent the facial expression I was making at that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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