F o u r

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This chapter was writer by j_duprey introducing her character, enjoy!


“Jamie, get up,” The words pierced through her calm stage of sleep. She looked up to her mother's face. She knew her mom was going to try to make her go to school today, again.

“Mom I’m not feeling well today,” she tried to tell her mom with her most convincing sick voice, but her mom knew better than that.

“Jamie you need to go to school or this will be your 8th day in row that you missed school,” her mom lectured.

“That’s ok, you could always homeschool me.” Jamie tried.

“You know that’s not an option, get dressed. Today you’re going,” her mom said firmly. Jamie rolled out of bed, washed her face and tried figuring out a good outfit but decided it didn’t matter. Whatever she wore she was going to be ridiculed. Finally, she settled on sweatpants and a sweatshirt, maybe that would help her seem less slutty.

She crawled in her mom’s car and tried to remain calm.

“Deep breaths, everything will be ok. Just don’t make eye contact with anyone,” she told herself, but she didn’t believe that everything would be ok. Nothing was ok since Scott a guy, who she liked leaked the nude she sent to him in hopes that it would make him like her. Every since then every friend she had, along with every other person in the school decided she was a whore and that their jobs were to make her life miserable. As her mom’s car turned into the school parking lot her heart skipped and she went into panic mode. She spotted Erin her old friend and current harasser.

“Hey look it’s Erin,” her mom pointed and waved. Erin saw and waved back while giving Jamie a nasty smirk.

“Why aren’t you waving,” Her mom questioned.  “I’ll see her in school,” she replied. It was much easier lying to her mom than telling her that her daughter was the biggest slut in Townsville. She took a deep breath as she stepped out of the car.

“Bye sweetie, have a nice day,” her mom cheerfully said as she was closing the door. 'I won’t' Jamie wanted to reply but instead she just said, “Bye” and closed the door.

Jamie looked at the floor and tried to focus on walking.

“One step in front of the other.” she told herself. She heard laughter and smirks, but tried to ignore them, “You can do this.” she tried to tell herself. She was almost all the way through the parking lot when, Erin put her foot out conveniently and tripped her. She fell onto her knees and her books Scattered everywhere. So much for not being noticed. Immediately everyone in the parking lot started laughing even harder.

“Nice to see you're on your knees again.” Ashley smirked.

“Why are you wearing clothes? I thought you wanted everyone to see you naked?” Sam snarled. Not a single person stood up for her or helped her pick up her books. Everyone just laughed. One guy even kicked her book further away from her. Jamie said nothing and ran to the bathroom where she went in a stall and laid on the floor and cried. How did she go from being one of the most popular girls to the most hated person in the school? She heard a couple of girls come in and tried to remain quiet.

“Did you hear what happened in the parking lot today?” One of them chirped. “No, tell me!” She heard a girl she recognized say. It was Rachel Louis, one of the nicer girls in the school.

“Well, turns out Jamie showed up today and Erin tripped her in the parking lot, it was hilarious. You should have seen the look on her face, she’s so pathetic, Like anyone feels bad for her.” She heard the other girl say. Jamie hoped Rachel would say something nice, she normally stuck up for people that Jamie and her old friends would tease.

“She deserves every bit of it. She’s a slut and she was so mean to people, I’m surprised she hasn’t killed herself.” Rachel said.

“What?’ Jamie thought. She had never heard Rachael be mean. If Rachel wasn't on her side then no one is. Jamie continued to cry then tried to get herself together to go to class.

She looked down as she walked through the halls on her way to her first class, hoping she wouldn't encounter anyone. But, she did. Keith Delancy came up from behind her and slapped her ass.

“What the hell?!” she yelled.

“You’re easy so I thought you would like that. Do I get a nude now?" Keith asked with a smirk on his face, that made her sick.

“Fuck you!” she glared.

“Ok,” Keith said. A whole bunch of snickers followed.

“Careful I’m sure she has STDs.” Ashley snarled.

“I thought we were friends?” Jamie questioned to Ashley.

“I’m not friends with whores.” Ashley stated.  The rest of the morning followed with snickers, pointing and glares.

Jamie, stepped in the lunchroom trying to keep calm. She got her tray and tried to look around for a place to sit.

“Are you lost?” Erin asked with a smile. The rest of her posse giggled from her old table. Jamie took a deep breath and walked away. She  tried to sit with Sean, who always ate alone. As she approached him.

He looked at her and said, “Those seats are all taken.”

She knew that was a lie. Great, even the school’s biggest loser didn’t want to be seen with her.

As she was walking out of the lunchroom, Kyle Fogile shouted, “You can sit here if you give me good head!”

The entire lunchroom erupted in laughter and all the boys sitting at Kyle’s table gave him highfives. She looked back to see her old friends pointing at her, filled with joy that she was humiliated once again. She went in the bathroom where she broke down in tears. She couldn’t wait to be home.

She got in her mom’s car to see her mom filled with a smile.

“How was your day sweetie?” Her mom said cheerfully.

“Fine.” she replied, holding back tears.

“What new gossip did Erin and Ashley fill you in on?” Her mom asked trying to make conversation.

“Nothing happened, surprisingly.” she lied.

“Really?” Her mom said surprised.

“Yeah,” Jamie replied. The rest of the car ride was silent. Once Jamie got home she ran to her bathroom and sat down and cried. She kept thought about how terrible her life was becoming, how she had no friends and was constantly harassed.

'I hate my life' Jamie thought.

'The school hates me, they all wish I wasn’t there, even Rachel! Maybe I’m better off gone, my life's over.' Jamie thought. She spotted the Advil on the counter.

'I wonder how many it would take till they all got their wish of me being dead...' Jamie thought. Finally, she took a deep breath and reached for the Advil unscrewed the cap.

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