Chapter 7

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Jungkook would always force Taehyung to go for baby shopping.Taehyung would get mad if Jungkook chose a certain item without asking for Taehyung's opinion.
Taehyung:Jungkook , how could you choose 5 pairs of sweats without asking me.They are literally the same colour.
Jungkook"So which colours would you prefare?
Taehyung:Maybe purple , red , blue , gray and white.
Jungkook:Purple isn't that a girls'  colour.And what about black.
Taehyung:Really Jungkook ? Purple is for both genders.And black really .?Who would want their new born baby to war black clothes it's creepy.
Jungkook:What about green?.
Taehyung:Really ?Just say that you want to get on my nerves and go.
Jungkook started laughing like a maniac.Taehyung rolled his eyes and then asked."Did I perhaps say something funny?"Jungkook  stopped laughing and said."I find it cute when you are pissed"
"Well it seems that you are the weird one around here"Taehyung said clearly annoyed by his husband .Instead of taking different colours Jungkook took all purple colours .Taehyung was obviously done with Jungkook's crackhead behavior.He also bought 10 pairs of purple socks.Taehyung had to drag his husband out of the department store.Jungkook had succeeded on making Taehyung feel different emotions other than anger towards him.He had to make their relationship better before the baby comes or the poor baby was going to bear the brunt of the couple's hatred.When Taehyung was now  8  months along he wasn't even allowed to move a muscle.He was even getting lazier by the day.Jungkook's parents personally threw  him a baby shower at their own home.Taehyung felt wanted and happy.When Taehyung's legs would get swollen Jungkook would always massage them.Taehyung's due date was announced and it was in September .Jungkook was even more happy since it was his own birthday month.On the other hand Taehyung was really scared he had heard other women in the hospital saying  that it hurts like hell to be in labour.He was getting even more scared as the days went by. The couple was cuddling in Taehyung's room .They were discussing on possible baby names.Jungkook wanted something which started with the latter J while Taehyung wanted the name to start with a T.They were busy bickering when Jungkook felt something wetting the bedsheets.
Jungkook:Tae don't tell me that you are no longer able to go to the bathroom.
Taehyung:What are you taking about.?
Jungkook:You peed on the bed.
Taehyung:Yah if this is one of your crazy jokes, it is definitely not funny.Why would I , in my right state of mind d......He wasn't able to finish his sentence as he started to scream in pain.Jungkook panicked he didn't know what to do."Tae what's wrong babe ?"Jungkook asked ."Don't babe me , take me to the fucking hospital.Taehyung snapped between screamed."Why would the baby come now .It's freaking 10:30 in the evening "Jungkook thought as he was helping Taehyung to the car.This was gonna be a long night.When they arrived at the hospital , Jungkook immediately called the doctor who was on night duty.He came with a stretcher.It was very fortunate that the operating theater was vacant.So he was immediately taken into the room.Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was muttering curse words under his  breath.Jungkook smiled while also going into the room.Jungkook couldn't stand seeing Taehyung's belly being opened into two.He got really terrified what if something were to go wrong.He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a loud cry.Yes, his baby had made it but Taehyung was unconscious.The doctor gave the father the honour of cutting the umbilical cord.The baby looked very healthy.The nurse took the new born elsewhere while the doctor was stitching up Taehyung .Their son had been born at00:25 1 September.The doctor later told Jungkook that their son had weighed 6 pounds at birth.Taehyung only  woke up the following after noon.When he woke up,Jungkook brought their son to Taehyung.He put him on his chest.The baby's eyes were still closed.He had jet black hair.His hands were formed into little chubby fists.He's lips were moving on their own as if he was sucking on something .He clearly had Taehyung's skin and Jungkook's lips.About the face they couldn't really tell who he looked like.Taehyung hugged his son and shed tears of joy.He laughed when he saw that his son was dressed only in purple.
"He the cutest  ,What shall we name him?
"What about Taeyang?".Jungkook asked with a smile on his face.Taehyung was happy he has always wanted a name which starts with a T.
"So Jeon Taeyang it is"Taehyung said while staring at his son who was on his chest.Jungkook took Taeyang because Taehyung had to rest so that his stitches could heal.Jungkook's family , his and Taehyung's family all came to congratulate them.The whole day Ms Lim  would not let Taeyang out of her side.Jungkook's parents couldn't get to hold their grandson because of a certain old lady.So when she excused herself to the bathroom , they took him.Jungkook was also getting pissed it was his son after all not theirs.Everyone around them were taking turns to hold the baby.Taehyung was later discharged after two days but he was still clearly in pain.His in-laws were to stay with them for a few days until he was all healed up.Jungkook had not been to work in a while so he had to cover for the work he had missed but all he wanted was to be  with his son.Taehyung had to spend most of his days resting.He could only see Tae once a day since he was always with his grandparents and great grandma .Taehyung felt that he was missing a lot on his son.Jungkook also felt the same.After 2 weeks Taehyung was now completely healed up and Jungkook had also finished all the work that he had to cover at the hospital.They were  now able to have their first little family time.The in-laws left but then their friends also came to stay for a few days with the baby.Taeyang was like a magnetic .Everyone was attracted to him.Even Taehyung's friends from the hospital also came to see him with gifts.

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