Chapter 12

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"I have invited the guys for new year's eve."Jungkook said
"That would be great"Taehyung said showing his boxy smile.
"Are you that happy.You don't seem that much happy when you are with me "Jungkook said with a pout.
"Come on , you are hardly home and when you are you always want to fight with me plus it's good to have some new faces around here."Taehyung said but Jungkook was no longer in the room.
"Is he mad?"Taehyung thought to himself as he was left sitting alone on the kitchen island.He had to make breakfast today.Taehyung finished making breakfast and prepared formula for Taeyang.He was hesitant to go and ask Jungkook if he had his breakfast or not.Jungkook wasn't in his room.Taehyung went to Taeyang's  room to feed him.When he went in he saw Jungkook playing with his son.Taehyung coughed to get their attention.Before he could say anything Jungkook spoke."Is Tae food ready?"
"Yea "Taehyung replied.They all went down to have their breakfast.After they were done ,Jungkook gave Taeyang a bath.After that he prepared lunch .Taehyung did not have his lunch because he had been trying to lose his baby weight.
Jungkook:Why are you not eating?
Taehyung:I'm dieting
Jungkook:You are a doctor and I bet you know that skipping meals and dieting are 2 different things.
Taehyung:I know,but I still haven't lost my baby weight.
Jungkook:Tae you don't have much weight.
Taehyung:But you still think I'm fat , right,?
Jungkook:No I didn't say that .
Jungkook:Are you mad?
Taehyung:Do I look mad?This is my normal serious face you know.
Jungkook:You look cute when you are mad.

Taeyang was playing on Taehyung's bed while the older was busy sulking.He started gliding.To Taehyung it seemed like he was laughing at him.After lunch the other guys came over.Jin was being loud as usual .When he held Taeyang he was ecstatic .
"Yah Taehyung your son looks nothing like you.Are you sure he is your son?"Jin asked sarcastically.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and said"Thanks Hyung I get that a lot"
"But doesn't it hurt though,I mean you are the one who carried him for nine months and yet he looks nothing like you.He is a  spitting image of Jungkook"Jimin teased.
"There is no need for words when you see them together"Hoeseok added.
"There is no doubt that they are father and son"Namjoon said .
"So you guys came here to taunt me?And you Namjoon Hyung , you are supposed to be my brother and you Jimin ,I hope you get struck by thunder.You are all saying that Taeyang looks nothing like me so what does that make me?the wicked step mother?.You are right they are so alike.Their behaviours are the same.
"Tae Come down, they were all teasing you ."Jungkook said.
"Yea right"Taehyung said rolling his eyes.It was now time for dinner and Jin took charge.All the time Taehyung was glued on his phone.Taeyang had already went to bed.They ate their dinner ,Jimin and Jungkook had to do the dishes.Taehyung was now standing on the balcony of their house and Jungkook came up to him"Hey have you tried to talk to your parents yet?"
"And say what?I'm sorry that I got raped and got pregnant?They blame me for a mistake that I didn't commit.I was only a victim of circumstances but I don't regret having my miracle.You know what Jungkook ,I won't force matters they will find me when they need me.I'm also not sure about how they will treat my son.It scares me to think that people will judge him because he is different."Taehyung was  now sobbing.Jungkook went and pull him into a hug and muttered
"I'm sorry , it's all my fault.I know that I can't fix everything but I will make it better.

After that they found themselves drinking 10 bottles of soju .Jungkook was clearly.still sober after having four bottles.Taehyung only managed one.The rest of the bottles were taken by Hoseok.He wanted to drown his loneliness.The boys counted down to the new year together.They hoped to make the best of their new year.After that they got back to drinking again.

The next morning ,Taehyung woke up as the sun was shining through the Window.He then faced the other side to avoid the sun so that he could continue sleep.Just as he turned he was met by a familiar face facing his direction.The person was definitely shirtless.Taehyung put a hand on his mouth not knowing what to think.
"Yah Jungkook !what are you doing in my room?"he screamed.
"Morning to you too , sweetheart"Jungkook teased as he was waking up.
"Is this how you treat your husband early in the morning ? and by the way take a good look ,this is my room."Jungkook continued.
"Ok whatever but if you did something to me last night I will surely murder you Jeon Jungkook"Taehyung said with a serious look.
"Are you sure you wanna know what happened last night ,Taehyung?Jungkook asked with a playful look.
"Now that I think about it , I don't wanna know anymore "Taehyung said getting up from the bed.He was shocked to find himself in his pjs.The last he remembers he was in his sweatpants.He was relieved when he felt no pain in his lower region.He left the room and went downstairs.What he saw shocked him .The Namjin couple was sleeping on the dinning table.It was a good thing they didn't do anything on it.Min Suga was on the couch.Jimin was on the carpet while his legs were on the coffee tables.The house was a complete mess.Then it hit him,someone was missing.Hobie.

Taehyung went up to Jungkook's room .He told him that Hobie was missing.They looked for him all over the house only to find him in Taehyung's  bathroom sleeping in the tub.After preparing hangover soup Taehyung kicked everyone out.Jungkook had to hire some cleaners to clean up their house.
Just as the day was getting better ,Jungkook's parents came to pick up Taeyang to spend the weekend with him.The couple could not refuse and they let the older couple take their son.

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