Becoming the new Lady Hae Soo

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The original Lady Hae Soo was a quiet woman who hardly came out. There were rumours that she was not well and was quite sick. The Hae Soo after the bath accident was different. Soo would not accept any punishments, she seemed to treat everyone including the servants respectfully and seemed to wander off into the forest if no one watched her.  The princes would watch her without her knowing and would ask Wook what happened who would reply that he doesn't know.

Hae Soo had to honestly admit that she had no interest in history, but she knew she had a very odd mind. When her lectures gave information, she seemed to remember it almost like she had done extensive research about the topic. Because of this, she has passed all her history classes. But here she was, she was stuck in the past and the only thing she knew was that she needed to survive.

 But here she was, she was stuck in the past and the only thing she knew was that she needed to survive

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Soo walked around her room memorizing the stuff that was there. She marvelled at the bed covers but knew she could not sleep on those lumpy rectangle pillows. They look like they might break her neck on it. There were flowers put around the room and now and then she would stop and smell them. She wondered if these plants existed in her timeline. Coming across a vanity table, there were little pots and after trying to figure out what they were used for Soo couldn't help but scream out 'YAY!'

Instantly her bedroom slid open and three people came in looking like they were ready to fight. Soo turned around to find out what had happened and, in her haste, hit her hand against the vase of flowers and cracked her skin and blood seeped through. Before she could try to find a cloth to cover the wound temporarily, she had two people come running to her and try to hold her hand while the other person went to find a physician. Soo felt dazed and the only thing that could cross her mind was that she was a nurse who regularly helps to save lives. 

Soo felt a hand on her forehead, and it awoke her from her musings. Looking around she realised the three people who barged into her room were the younger princes. Eun, Jung and Baek-ah. With them, there was an older man who looked to be the physician. Before she could be touched again by the physician she yelled out ' Stop. I can do it by myself.' Everyone looked at her and waited with a bated breath.  Soo looked around for a spare cloth material but couldn't seem to find it so she did the best thing and ripped out a piece from her hanbok. 

As Soo was doing this the four men looked at her in surprise and as soon as they saw a bit of skin on her feet they looked away and turned around. Soo was so engrossed in tying the cloth around her wrist that she didn't see their actions. It was only when she didn't hear a word from them, she looked up and saw they were facing away from her. She asked what was wrong and she heard them mumble inaudibly that she was showing skin. So under her breath mumbled that she was definitely in the past where no one showed any skin. 

Finishing her task, Soo calmly walked up to the physician and asked him what he was going to do to heal her from her wounds. He replied that he was going to give her pills. Soo was astonished and decided to change the way people looked when helping to heal people. She also knew only the rich were the ones to be able to get physicians to look after them while the poorer didn't get professionals to look after them.

Soo couldn't help but as she was pacing, she started to give a lecture to the men in the room. She went on to advise on how to heal wounds and pills are not needed unless it's severe. She also explained the way to stop scarring. As she went on to explain she couldn't help but feel excited and spoke quite fast to her very silent company. Only when Soo turned to open the window did she realize that she had company. Turning around she looked at them silently hoping the ground swallowed her up as she blushed to the high heavens.

The physician was afraid of her. Here was a woman who knew about medications and never before had there ever been a female physician and knew he needed to get far away from her and forget about her. Hopefully, he never has to be there in her presence again. The three princes smiled at Soo and told her that dinner would be shortly, and dinner was at Wook's house. 

When everyone left the room, Soo just collapsed on the bed and just took a deep breath. 

End of Chapter 4.

P.S. I have a very basic understanding of medical science so whatever I have written is from experience or watching medical dramas like The Good Doctor and other Chinese/Korean dramas.

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