0 - Chapter Two

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The moon peered over a cloudy sky casting patchy shadows. Four hooded figures silently snaked their way through a maze of dry flowerbeds to the centre of dark gardens. It wasn't a cold night, nor an overly warm one, the wind lay still and the animals quiet as the four figures met in a secluded gazebo.

Perfect for their secret meeting.

As an outsider looking in would you have missed the four figures cloaked in sinister shadows? Perhaps you would have noticed but paid them no mind. Maybe you'd rather not get involved? Nor would I blame you.

If you had noticed, would you have noted one figure wore a finer more elegant garb than the rest? That they held their head high as the others fawned over them? Perhaps, like me, curiosity would get the better of you and you would narrow your scope to decipher their hushed tones. Not that mortal ears could hear as they held up their glowing hands, chanting as they cast their wards between the wooden posts.

"We've secured three of the shrine locations. However, the spirits inside remain inactive," said one dressed in a plain cloak, hers being a lighter, greyish colour.

"I believe we've found the shrine of Pudron and have sent scouts to try the entrance," added a second, softer voice.

"The spirits haven't woken for us before," scolded the first. "Why should Pudron be any different?"

"Maybe they'll respond to one of our scouts," replied the soft-spoken one hopefully.

"You're kidding yourself; the spirits have no reason to show themselves. We're going to have to do this by force!" burst the third, her tone eager. "Let's blast the entrance with all we've got!"

There was a rumble of disagreement from the first two as they jumped to refute her suggestion.

"You may have something there..." The elegant one finally spoke. Although she kept her voice low it was strong, seductive, and full of intent, the weight of her words causing the three underlings to turn.

"I do?"

"She does?"

The brazen one was almost as shocked by the realisation as her comrades were. The three held their collective breaths, eagerly awaiting their marching orders.

"You're right, they have no reason to show themselves. They have been sleeping far too long..." she hissed, malice growing in her whispered tones.

"Perhaps it's time we give them a reason..."

* * *

Knowing how it would all end, if I could go back, would I myself have stopped this meeting? No.

This meeting was but a catalyst, a single step on my path to disgrace.

A quiet encounter, yes, but it marked my downfall nonetheless.

* * *

The Light of Miera: A Guard's Request (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now