0 - Chapter Three

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 It was that same night, in the country of Sudra, King Drazah whiled away his day stressing over the labours of ruling, praying his luck would change.

Sudra was a desert lands with hot summers, scorched sands, and starving citizens. With slate-coloured skin, forked tails, and short, pointed horns raising above their temples, you'd be forgiven for thinking the Sudra looked like demons, but this was considered their lesser form. Legends of their power kept their country at peace for so long, however, the whole country had a secret. A secret each Sudran knew and yet none of them would ever repeat, nor whisper.

It was dark out when Queen Nymati entered their bedroom to find her King asleep at his desk, quill in hand, his head tilted back leaving his mouth ajar. She walked over, her thin dress draping behind her, and placed her hands gently around him.

The myriad stories I could tell you of Queen Nymati, Emissary of the Desert. She was known throughout the lands for the kindness of her bountiful heart and the mercilessness of her calculating mind. Named, quite justly, the Demon Queen of Sudra.

Nymati was a temple; enduring, stoic, and strong. A temple whose beautiful facade disguised an unforgiving labyrinth within, one wrought with twisted corridors only the bravest of warriors dared enter.

She ran her hands under Drazah's cream, cotton smock and onto his muscular chest. He slowly came around, opening azure eyes to admire his Queen.

Nymati's ruby eyes sparkled as bright as the many golden hoops and bracelets she was adorned in, the gold bright against her dark skin giving her an ethereal glow. She held herself with confidence, not arrogance for it was justified, straight raven hair slipping over her shoulders as she bent to meet him.

"You work too hard my King," she cooed.

Her voice was like honey being whispered into his ear. A soft glow came over her hands as she activated her artes, holding him close.

Sudran women had the ability to charm others by releasing pheromones from their hands, causing a soft pink glow when used. It dulled the senses, making their prey feel euphoric before ultimately sucking the mana from them. Although deadly to many, they need this energy to survive and so Sudran men evolved to be stronger, producing enough energy to share with their paramour. This made their relationships incredibly intimate, forming deep connections they called parabonds.

Over the years, Nymati found some incredibly inventive ways to use her powers but de-stressing her husband was perhaps the most important thing she used them for since becoming Queen. Recent years had not been good to their country. Famine was an imminent threat, but she found purpose in doing her duty and helped Drazah any way she could. After all, they were her people too.

"The burden of wearing a crown is far greater than the weight it holds, my Queen." Drazah turned to look up at her lovingly, but still his brow wrinkled.

"Then it's fortuitous we're going have to trade yours for crops if this drought continues," Nymati quipped, lifting the crown off his head with a snigger.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." The King gave a hearty chuckle, pulling Nymati down to sit on his knee. He wrapped her into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry, I'm sure something will come up," she assured with a kiss, her dainty hands glowing warmly against his cheek. "Come, let's get you to bed." ,

Nymati took his hand in hers and lead him across the room. The warmth of her charm swept up his arm and over his chest as he sank to the foot of the four-poster bed. Nymati shuffled over the mattress to kneel behind him. She massaged his broad shoulders, the soft glow of her hands warming his skin, relaxing his muscles.

The Sudran King loved his Queen from the moment they first met. Drazah attributed everything he was, and everything he could ever be, to her. She was all he could wish for and more. He often wondered if even love was enough to quantify all that he felt for the goddess that was she.

Nymati ran her hands up into his umber hair, working her way up his skull and around his horns. Her nimble fingers combed back down over his neck and along his spine, her artes ever-flowing into him – it was intoxicating.

"You really are tense, my King."

"I just don't know what to do." Drazah released a mighty sigh. Rubbing his temple with his fingers, he sank forward to rest his elbow on his knee. "Either we fight a war we cannot win or we surrender to the Duran Empire. No matter what I do, our secret is at risk."

"There's always a third option," Nymati corrected, coming around to straddle his knee.

Nymati pushed Drazah back to lay on the bed, a single fang catching in the light. She drew in close. His heart pounded as she placed her hands on his chest, leaning in.

There was no high like it. Just the thought of it made his pulse thump, a resounding baseline to the symphony rising within him. A fanfare beat within his stomach as Nymati drew closer, opening her mouth before his.

"Our secret may be our greatest weakness, but it is also our greatest strength," she whispered, his lip quivering in response, the anticipation too much to bear.

Then Nymati inhaled, energy rushed to leave his body in an explosion of endorphins. His senses rumbled into a roaring crescendo. His whole body alive and alert.

A moment of pure euphoria held in perfect equilibrium.

Drazah couldn't help but smile. Of course his Queen knew what to do.

Their secret had indeed kept them safe all this time, but over the last few months Dura had expanded its reach over its Northern borders and was fast gaining strength. It was only a matter of time before the Empire turned their attention East and came for them, and Sudra was in no position to be fighting anyone, least of all the Empire.

Drazah was released and everything slowed, the world vanishing around them as he saw only her. He imagined this was how the great rocks of the desert perceived the shifting dunes, held in time as the world around them drummed on.

Still perched over him, Nymati kissed Drazah's lips before working down his neck and along his chest. Drazah sank deeper into the bed, his body gaining weight with every beat. His vision fuzzy, his chest heaved and his skin glowed, as she made her way down toward his navel.

"You are the greatest king Sudra has ever seen. You are strong. You are brave. There's no way this Duran fool could ever compete with you," she purred looking up to him, her fingers curling over the top of his trousers.

Her lips stretched into a sinister smile. "Perhaps what the Emperor doesn't know really will kill him."

Her words sent shivers down his spine, resonating deep within him as his senses slowly returned to normal. Drazah welcomed the warmth of Nymati's ebony lips, relaxing as the surge of euphoria rushed through him. He allowed it to engulf his whole being, looking up through netting to the painted ceiling. His body warm and clammy, his head light, his toes curled.

She was right.

He was strong. He was brave.

More importantly, he knew what he had to do.

* * *

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