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1 week later.

"You're telling me, you did 4 years of English lit. and you haven't been drowning me in sonnets and quoting Shakespeare?" Remus asked, dropping his spoon in the now empty ice cream dish.

"The ability the recite Hamlet does not equal a lover that oozes romance."

Remus found heat crawling up his neck at the implication that they were 'lovers'. Ignoring the smirk that this brought to Sirius' face, he changed his focus.

"Wait, the entire play?"

"Close enough. Not just a pretty face."

Struggling with a giggle, Remus replied, "debateable."

Sirius' face dropped noticeably, despite the mischief that glimmered in the silver of his eyes.
"Hey! I'm pretty.." he whined.

"Sure, you are. The prettiest boy in all the kingdom."
Remus tilted his head with the remark, wearing the same crooked grin that saved Sirius' soul day after day.

"..our kingdom?"

Images of the broken place flashed through Remus' mind. A dying playground sat amongst a broken neighbourhood. Granted, there weren't really many options between him, Sirius and the squirrel that had jumped out at him, but Sirius had definitely been the prettiest boy there (the squirrel taking 2nd place, obviously).
A rose among thorns and a dove among pigeons, certainly.

"If you count that as a compliment, then yes."

Sirius rested his head on his hand, watching Remus with nothing but adoration. A smile slipped onto his face as Remus peered at him over the rim of his milkshake  glass, smiling back at him with his eyes.

The ambience of the cafe fizzed and turned to felt as he looked at Remus, feeling able to watch him all day. Dimples and crooked smiles, eyes like candlelight; he was sweet to Sirius' sight.

"So.." Sirius started again, wrapping his fingers around his cup, "would you like to be drowned in sonnets and poetic confessions?"

He raised an eyebrow, waiting.

"I don't know, would I?"

Remus sat, seeming to anticipate something. With a small hand gesture towards his beau - not that Sirius would ever know he was referred to as such - his eyes widened in realisation.

He hummed in thought, racking his mind with furrowed eyebrows.

"Doubt thou the
Stars are fire;
Doubt the sun
Doth move;
Doubt truth to
Be a liar:
but never doubt
I love."

Remus' eyes shone as his words stopped flowing. His mouth opened slightly, the tiny chip in a tooth just visible, before he closed it again. Sirius, slowly and almost unnoticeably, pushed his mug to the side and lifted from his seat, leaning over the table.

Remus tilted his chin upwards, knowing exactly what they wanted mutually. His eyelids had almost fluttered entirely shut but they shot open again. Pulling from his stupor, his hands pressed to Sirius' chest, stopping him getting any closer.

"...really, was that worth even a tiny peck?" He whined, trying the lean closer.

"It's not-"

Sirius' memory flicked to their previous confrontation.
"Nobody's gonna get you for it, I'll kick their arse if they try."

Fight For You // Wolfstar AUWhere stories live. Discover now