㈥ | Mama

551 39 10

World n°2

It was irking, irritating, bothersome, annoying, disturbing even and Jungkook just couldn't take the way things had become. He had never thought of Jimin as more than a worthless castle servant there for his pleasure, who could never amount to his status as the king of Joseon, and who had the obligation to do whatever he ordered with no questions asked.

But right the moment, he missed him, and not just that day but everyday and he was tired of waiting for the weird longing to end. Surprisingly, what he missed wasn't his tantalizing features, soft skin, tender nipples or the soft spots that would make Jimin come just by the breath of Jungkook's mouth.

Well, that was what he used to miss but he finally knew that it was more than lust, more than a mundane need which he needed to satisfy, that maybe it was love.

He believed he had fallen in love with Jimin before he even knew the name for it. Everyday, he would sneak to the kitchen, watch him from afar, look at his beautiful face, radiant smile and remember the way he scented, that sweet smell stuck forever in every curve of his brain.

Every night, he would dream about him. Jimin just eclipsed everything else in his world that he was afraid of calling him to his sleeping chambers anymore, afraid that the feelings would get worse and that seeing him would take his infatuation to another level in which he may just go crazy.

He tried instead to ignore the gnawing feelings but to his unfortunate luck, it got worse anyways, worse and worse that he saw no way out of it. And he began to feel butterflies in his stomach whenever he even thought of him, turning to somersaults by the very mere idea of Jimin.

The butterflies hurt, not brutally but it was intoxicating and he couldn't stop thinking about Jimin for hours on end that he began to miss his meals. And then he knew it, knew that he couldn't fight it anymore and he realized that maybe you could never help who you fall for, that you don't choose but you get chosen instead.

It was Jimin the person that he fell for and it had always been him but he only realized it so late, and he didn't know what to do about it.

Well, it was already more than a month of relentless spiraling feelings and he had enough. He decided that he should stand strong, be a man, admit it to himself and stop hiding from his own heart. He felt ashamed for falling for a servant, a man in addition but he was the king after all, if he said that servant would be my husband then no one would object.

Maybe his father would from his place in the sky but that was that, no one else would even think of uttering a word. Jimin deserved to become a royal, and he was aware of the fact that he needed a heir but fuck heirs. He thought that he'd die if he bottled up his feelings for any more time.

With that intention, he was walking towards the kitchen quarters, passing by a couple of empty sleeping chambers but he suddenly stopped when hearing a moan. He wished he never saw anything, he wished he went some other night but then again, it was irreversible. Taehyung's hand was wrapped forcefully enough around Jimin's face pulling him closer as their lips brushed.

And in a heartbeat, Jimin was obviously melting into the kiss, Taehyung's fingers loosening their grip on Jimin's face opting out to carefully stroke his supple cheeks and another moan escaped him.

The quiet moan offered the entrance that Taehyung needed to bring their tongues together as well and Jungkook could see how the kiss deepened, how they clutched onto each other as if their lives depended on it and he couldn't watch more of it. It was devastating to say the least.

𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now