㈩ | Reflection

422 31 19

World n°2

Jimin could almost imagine it, all of the bubbling rage and sadness and anger that was felt by Jungkook at the unexpected news. Jimin knew that the King wanted Taehyung dead, that he didn't want any competitors for his pride and stormy delusions of grandeur wouldn't be appeased until he got what he pleased, and what he pleased was Jimin.

But what he wished the most was undoubtedly Taehyung’s demise and it was ruined for him. And Jimin knew that Jungkook was childish, and he hated to lose. Which meant it was sure he'd attempt to end Taehyung in another way again.

Jimin could see it all in his sharp cloudy eyes. Jungkook was enraged enough to order the painter to be killed at the very moment, and so he did, regardless of the fact that he was aware that no one did steal the neckless anyways. Jimin just threw Hoseok as a scapegoat to save Taehyung, and he was aware of it too.

The poor painter was just a fall boy, but Taehyung  was the exact same thing, being the fall boy of Jungkook's sick obsession with him, the kitchen boy ironically.

Jimin was painfully conscious of the fact that Jungkook wanted to kill Taehyung just because he was jealous of him, and narcissistic enough to walk over another soul just because he could, and Jimin couldn't help but despise the crown King even more.

Jimin wondered how could King Jungkook and servant Jungkook be so different yet so the same, about how he could hate King Jungkook but in the other hand, admire servant Jungkook just as much.

For at least, the servant was honest, smart and hardworking, and even though he fell for him, him who he couldn't have, making his other version in the form of King Jungkook fall for him too, Jimin already forgave him.

Jimin wanted so badly to visit Taehyung after they released him but he couldn't leave the royal chambers. The guards told him that the king ordered them not to let him leave at all unless otherwise instructed.

Jimin recalled how Jungkook mumbled that he'll stay with him inside his royal chambers from that day onward and he palmed his face in utmost annoyance.

If it stayed like this, he wouldn't be able to see Taehyung as often, if see him at all, and he'll have to act as if he was in love with Jungkook while he was in fact in hatred with him, being the most person alive he outright despised at all. But at least, he slept with a bit of mind peace knowing his precious baby was released from that stinky cell.

What was buggying Jimin's mind still was how the framing of Hoseok would manifest in the other world. Especially how his inescapable death would affect it. Death is something he didn't witness the effects of and that made him very wary.

But he figured he'll know soon anyways, for Hoseok was just a few hours away from his death and he felt so sorry but yet so helpless. For what could he even do now to fix his mistake?

Jungkook had given him new clothes and insisted that he should sleep as much as possible because as the physician said, he was exhausted till he began to fall sick. Jimin wished just to tell him that he had no rest anyways and never will any sooner too.

Sleeping only meant waking up in the other world. He was now 'practically' sleeping in the other world but here he was wide awake. He'd just switch the positions. But Jimin had to give into Jungkook's demands eventually and sleep.

𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴Where stories live. Discover now