so this is why I've been offline for like a week

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I already posted this in my Chronicles of Rush book but I figured I'd put it here too bc it's relevant and I'm not sure how many people read both of my randomness books

Long story short, a few years ago I wrote a script for an animated movie made by my old elementary school
its,, a long explanation that I do not have the energy for

it's about some stupid pirates and betrayal and a big shiny scepter and it's just this little 15-minute animated mess but it got nominated for an award in the International Film Festival in London

So that was a thing

And for those of you who knew me last year, yeah, something similar happened with our previous film, Split

But this time, I was a MUCH bigger part of this project. Not only did I write most of it, but I was also the head researcher, assistant producer, and animation supervisor

Whereas with the previous film, which won an IFF award last year, I was just one of the two writers

But yeah that's the basics

Like last year, it was a big fancy event with a lot of people and I felt extremely young and highly nervous and I thought I was going to FAINT when I had to go up to the front and give a little speech but I actually somehow survived

Even though I immediately collapsed at our table and proceeded to shake violently for the next five minutes lol

This trip was even better than last year, because I convinced my mom to drag my best friend Genna along with us

(It wasn't that much of a stretch because we were already bringing an extra person with us: Micheal, my mom's best friend. I joked several times that we both dragged out besties on this trip even though both of them wanted to go. And as it happens, Genna gets along with Micheal almost better than I do, so everything worked out lol)

This trip was so much smoother than last year- my mom and I were already used to the weirdness of England, so everything was just a lot easier, even with two extra people. 

We also didn't leave London this time (last year Mom and I went all the way down to Portchester and then Stonehenge) but that was fine because there is a LOT to see in London

We went to the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Globe, and several other cool places that I can't think of right now because I'm me.

I'm gonna post some pictures later, but they'll be in my Chronicles of Rush book, so you'll have to go over there to see 'em

My dress for the awards ceremony was suuuuper fancy, I basically looked like a skinny rose-gold disco ball and I can't even regret it

Oh and did I mention that I had to wear 4-inch heels because my dress was so long because I did

So not only did I have to keep my wits about me well enough to get up to the front of the room where a ton of humans were looking at me, take the (very heavy) trophy, give a quick speech in which I had to remember to thank a lot of people, and then get back to my seat, but I had to do it in FOUR-INCH-HIGH HEELS

(side note: I don't wear high heels like EVER)

But, we won! The stupid little animated movie that I scripted actually won an award at an international film festival

It was pretty exciting lol

Anyway, now I'm home again and jet-lagged out of my mind (I didn't go to bed until 7am yesterday and then woke up at 3pm).
It was an interesting trip, but I'm not a traveler, rip my sanity.

But yeah that's what's new with me c:

-your favorite lunatic 📝

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