me rambling about cliches for a moment

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This is gonna sound really weird- and I mean like really weird -but sometimes cliches can be awesome

Okay okay okay wait

Yeah, there's some that need to burn and die. The bad boy x good girl cliche, the adorably-clumsy MC cliche, the starting-a-story-with-the-MC-waking-up cliche...we could all do without those

But like

There's some that really work??

The one I'm talking about mainly is the MC-tries-to-avoid-being-like-the-villain-only-to-discover-it's-happening-anyways cliche. Or sometimes it's not being like the villain, but doing or being like something

Like in She-Ra s3, Adora freaks because she realizes she's doing exactly the same thing that Mara did despite trying so hard to be better, and it actually ends up being a really good character moment??

And there's a thing in Parallels chapter 19 where Jess is thinking about Essa's motivations versus his own and how things are changing because of them, and it's just generally a big existential crisis and I'm weirdly proud of that scene

Also, the villain telling the hero that they're similar??? it's WAY overdone, but like,, if it's done right, it can be GREAT. Especially if the antagonist and the MC actually are similar

...I had a point in there somewhere



Sometimes cliches can work

A lot of the time, they're just stupid, but there are certain cliches that are cliche for a reason

Try using cliches, but in good, original ways. Break the mold.

-your favorite lunatic 📝

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