alright hi i'm being conflicted again

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i never change

i stg there's always something or other that i'm being indecisive about and here's another example


I'm working on a thing

And by '''''working on'''''' I mean 'creating too many characters and writing down out-of-sequence snippets and thinking up a perfect soundtrack'. Y'know. Typical author stuff.

But anyways!

The thing is a futuristic apocalyptic-ish 'story' that will be explained in detail sometime in the near future

Until then,, just think:

The various chaos of a mixed band of teens while they're trying to survive a fallen world with monsters everywhere. That's,, about as simple as this explanation could possibly get but uh. all good stuff lol.

It's p complicated but it's gonna be fun, even if I'm not officially writing it for a little while

But anyways

I need a title

Actually, no, that's not true. I need to decide between two titles.

So far, I've been calling it Unknowable Skies. Yes yes super cool/weird title, I know.

The thing is,, I don't think Unknowable Skies makes enough sense. Well, it does make sense, but only to me. It's too hard to explain and won't make enough sense to everyone else to validate it.

And if there's one thing I can't stand, it's awesome titles being given to books or movies or shows that don't live up to said awesome titles

I may end up coming up with something later on that helps it make more sense, but I'm not counting on it.

So. What to call it instead??

My new idea is Too Far Gone, inspired by the song at top (which honestly describes the story really well). This one fits a lot better, for several reasons I'm not going into rn but will better explain when I make a decision.

The thing is,, I'm a bit concerned that Too Far Gone is too grim for a title. This is a fairly dark story, but I don't want to announce that as blatantly as this new title does.

And it also sounds weirdly different from my usual titles, which I'm vaguely unhappy with?? Idk though I'm probs just being tired and weird

However, this is basically my only complaint the Too Far Gone as the title, so...????

but aNYWAYS. What do you guys think??

I know I didn't present a lot of information on the actual plot, and I swear I'll do that soonish, but I kinda want to know your opinions even without the full story

And uh

Yeah that's what's new with me

I'm obsessing over this, like I always do, so yeah like I said I'm gonna post more about this soon oof

-your favorite lunatic 📝

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