Chapter 1

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A lot of students had been roaming all around the campus early in the morning. Someone announced to gather at the quadrangle to have the opening ceremony. Today is the first day of classes at Eastern Country Academy or E.A.C. And also my first day in high school.

A reminiscence flashed back my mind: what my cousin, Cyan Drey Velasco, said, "A lot of first's are experienced in high school, my dear cuz- first love, first kiss, first dance, first hug, maybe even first intercourse and first heartbreak."

I got all chilly and anxious about it. My school at elementary has a lot of distance from here and with that I don't see any familiar faces. I'm gonna miss my old school. Some of my friends who remained united back there. They continued their high school days there and I was the only one who got separated from them and transferred here.

"Wew, what a neat school, right Prin?" Cyan said. She seems a little bit calm about all this because she's sorta like my senior. She's a sophomore and I'm still a freshman. And she really looks like she is more experienced than me. I am the gullible and innocent one that's why she's sorta like my guide to survive high school.

"I'm a little bit edgy and nervous I think I wanna go to the comfort room and rest my anxiety in there." I said as I was pushing my stomach in. The weirdos that blabber about butterflies in your stomach? Mark my words: they do exist! And they're rumbling on my tummy which is really uncomfortable.

"It can't be all that bad." Cyan said and rolled her eyes. "Easy for you to say since you survived last year's great phenomenon that I am experiencing right now." I said and rolled my eyes too. I can also do that. "Oh, don't be so shilly-shally." She said and pat me in the back. She's using those street words again. "High school is gonna be fun. It's the best part of your adolescence and life."

I was about to speak when I was interrupted by the announcement. "Ok, now that the opening ceremony is done, please proceed to your respective classrooms with an array and orderly manner." But the kids seem to ignore the announcement and hurried and scattered their way. I guess array and orderly are the words that are needed to be added at their vocabulary.

"Well, gotta go. See you at recess, Prin. Bye Auntie." Cyan waved at me and my mom. My mom's with me anyway since it's my first time here and my room is gonna be with my cousin which is a teacher here and her name is Ma'am Anne.

We once visited her home to ask help for me to be enrolled at E.A.H. And her son, Kent, is so tall and good-looking. Maybe if Ma'am Anne wasn't my cousin, I could have grown a crush on him. But he's my nephew which is the most awkward relationship made possible. I mean imagine me-only standing up to his chest and him saying in his really deep, deep, deep voice, "Hi, Auntie Prin!" Talk about awkwardness! And he's got an elder sister in college which is also my niece.

So much for that, mom went with me to my room. As I got there I just sat at a bench outside and waited for Ma'am Anne and Mom's conversation to be finished. I'm hyperventilating I can't breathe. I'm really all edgy about this and I'm really shy. I think I'm gonna wet myself.

"Ok, Cess, come in your room now." Mom told me. "Come in, Princess, don't be shy." Ma'am Anne added. With my cold feet all wobbly, I gathered up my courage and my guts to stand up and walk inside the room.

My first step in the room, and half of the class had their eyes on me. Not all because I went inside the back door. I felt like I was a fortune teller because their glaring eyes were like telling me how it is weird for a freshman high schooler to go to school with a mom. It's not that I'm dependent, it's just that I'm not ready to go by myself yet. Which pretty much sounds that I am still dependent.

Ma'am Anne guided me to my seat at the 2nd back row, which is a problem because I have this eye problem. I'm nearsighted and I wasn't able to fix that yet since in sixth grade. I looked at the window and I saw mom peek at it as she waved and mouthed "Goodbye." I waved and smiled back and she went on her way.

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