Part 3

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she ask on the others side of the phone "h-hello?" I replied,

“yyOU,WHR ARE YOU?! I've been waiting for hours!" she shouted across the phone

"Im sorryyyy,I-I was uh... I forget the time!" I said

"where are you now?" my friend asked

"I....." I look at jhope to ask whether I should tell her or not, but jhope shook his head???

He then whispered “tell her you're in the library and maybe ask her to wait at the place that she's at now"

so I told her what he said and unluckily she's in the library....

"Are you joking with me? I came to the library and looked for you but you're not here either!" she said in a pissed off tone

" I uh.. okay Im coming now bye bye" I immediately hang up after the last sentence.

I stare at the phone for a moment then turn around to see jhope's reaction

"alright today you did great I'll see you tomorrow I guess... Hopefully. Bye bye" before he leave he pat my head and left the place.

I stood for a min then I got it,tomorrow? So he's gonna teach me again? wat will we do tomorrow? Stretching again? Dance? Wait how old is he? He must be older than me which class is he in? Suddenly my phone buzzed,I took a look at my phone and its my friend asking me to hurry and whr am I. I quickly took my things and leave the room

Please tell me if you like this story or not😊 I really hope you guys like it!!❤

MY Dance Tutorial Teacher, Mr Jung ✔ Where stories live. Discover now