Part 6

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I peeked inside the room and saw Jhope standing over there, he was shook and happy. I went in and close the door behind me

"h-hi?" I said to get the awkwardness away. suddenly he attacked me by hugging me tightly

"where did u go?? I was so worried that you'll never coming back again"
he said in a worried tone

"I had some business thats why couldn't come haha" I said and he pulled away from the hug, to be honest I want it to stay

"wtat business?" he asked, he dont get it? How should I say???

"You know.... G-girls" I said awkwardly

"what?" he said

"You paboya. u know girls every year every month" I said loudly

"ohhh....Sorry" he said and looked away

"i-its okay" now I start to feel nervous, why suddenly

"okay so y/n Im sorry for not telling u Im a teacher here" he said

"its okay but why didn't you tell me? And what subject do you teach, a dance teacher?" I asked

"yes, I am a dance teacher in this school and the reason why I didn't tell you was becauseee.....hmm remember the first day we met?"

He asked

"yes?" I replied

"I was thinking *this girl..she's so pretty and she looks like she's very interested in dance so since she looks like she's interested in dance why not I teach her* I thought haha" he laughed so I laughed also but it's becoz I got shy cause of his words so I laughed it off

"then days past and I gained feelings for that girl every time I see her, so I was scared to tell her, if I did would she be mad? would she never want to see me again? what if she hates me after that? And what if she dont want to be friends with me again. Haha isn't it weird that a teacher could fall for his student" he looked at me so I smiled and ask

"so what does that mean?" I asked to check if Im correct

"means haha I like her" he said nervously

"who is the her?" I teased him

"who mhmm let me guess maybe your friend?" he joked

"oh really then okay bye bye" I said when I was about to leave he pulled me into a hug and said

"you, I love you Y/N" I laughed and replied to his confession

"me too, I love u" I said shyly

"really?! I thought u dont" he said in an unbelievable tone and pulled us apart again

"yeah I do" I said

"haha really? I can't believe this" he said

"haha yeah.." I said then he slowly came towards my face and kissed my lips.

-The End-

Thanks to those readers who read my story. Oh and thanks for voting😂💞 Love you guys!! Please tell me if you like this story or not. I would love to know!!!

MY Dance Tutorial Teacher, Mr Jung ✔ Where stories live. Discover now